About Amelia Earhart She was known all around the world for flying across the Atlantic solo. She was known as being very brave, independent and heroic to fly over the Atlantic Ocean on her own. Amelia had a younger sister named Muriel which she used to play with when she was young. Their favourite games were baseball and football. Amelia Mary Earhart was an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She received the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross for this record.
Fun Facts about Amelia Earhart On February 7 th 1931,Amelia Earhart was married to a man called George Putnam. Amelia Earhart was called "Lady Lindy" because her slim build and facial features resembled that of Charles Lindbergh. Amelia Earhart had such an impression to the public that they started naming babies, lakes and places after her. The United States government spent $4 million looking for Amelia Earhart, which made it the most costly and intensive air and sea search in history at that time. She was the 16th woman to receive a pilot's license from the FAI. She developed a friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt, who wanted to learn how to fly. Earhart had planned to teach her, for which the First Lady even got her student permit.
How Amelia Earhart got inspired Amelia went to a Californian air show and saw some flying planes. She didn’t feel quite satisfied in seeing the planes. Once she rode a plane and was at least 100 ft. off the ground she realised she wanted to be a pilot. After many years of training she bought her first plane. Amelia nicknamed it the ‘Canary’ because it was small and yellow like a Canary bird.
How Amelia might have died Amelia could have crash-landed. She could have fallen out of the plane. Amelia Earhart must have fallen into the sea. She could have drowned to her death. She might have died because of bad weather. Her engine must have failed.