Read-Around Review: sym-, syn- sym-,syn- = together, same
What is the word that describes a group of people in the same business who work together?
What is the word that describes a place where people meet together to worship and receives instruction in the Jewish faith?
What is the word that describes what a doctor is looking for when he tries to make a diagnosis?
What is the word that describes how some objects look the same on both sides when divided down the middle?
What is the word that describes a product that is fake or created by putting artificial parts together?
What is the word that means that parts were put together to make one whole object?
What is the word that describes feeling kindness together with someone who suffers?
What is the word that describes a word that means the same as an another word?
What is the word that means a conference or gathering at which people get together to discuss a topic?
What is the meaning of the prefixes sym- and syn-?
together or the same
What is the word that describes how two living things depend on each other?