The American West Part II
I. The Cattle Kingdom Open Range Ranching Railroads opened the eastern market for beef Ranchers bought land adjacent to water, let cattle roam on public land Open range ended in 1880’s Barbed wire allowed farmers to fence off land Harsh winters of Overproduction drove down prices Day of the Cowboy Tended the herds on long drives Roundups delighted easterners with colorful images of western life 25% were African-American Most were ordinary wage-earners, the myth of freedom and individualism, known as “Wild West” lived on.
II. Building the Western Railroads Sioux called it “Iron Road.” Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 Central pacific built east from Sacramento 7,000 chinese built tracks Union Pacific built west from Omaha Used primarily Irish workers May 10, 1869 railroad met at Promontory, Utah Effects of the Railroad Boosted the need for steel Spawned new industries: coal, depot construction, passenger-freight- car manufacture Introduced a standard time zone
III. The Mining Bonanza Discovery of gold in California (1849) and Colorado (1858) prompted an influx of people to those regions. Discovery of gold led to a rise in towns with saloons, casinos, etc. most went bust
IV. Farming the Plains Homestead Act of 1862 Settlers bought plots of land 160 acres Occupy 5 years and make improvements Plains Life Sod houses Open prairies contained little lumber and fuel Climate and terrain undesirable Machinery expensive Social isolation Last major section of West settled was Oklahoma in 1889.