What's new in NEMO's use and development from the Consortium's institutions NOC operates on two sites in the UK: Southampton: Global ocean models and open ocean processes Liverpool: Regional ocean models and coastal ocean processes Both sites work, in collaboration with UKMO, on Earth System Modelling Global models include the Drakkar suite (ORCA1, ORCA025 and ORCA_R12) Regional models include 1/12 o Northern North Atlantic and Pan-Arctic configurations A number of NEMO-based projects involve NOC researchers including: MESoscale Ocean eddies and CLImate Predictability Ships and Waves Reaching Polar Regions Ocean Surface Mixing - Ocean Sub-mesoscale Interaction Study OSMOSIS
What's new in NEMO's use and development from the Consortium's institutions New XIOS features and robustness tested in 1/12 o Global model with up to 10k cores NEMO-ICB: interactive icebergs in the NEMO ocean model globally configured at coarse and eddy-permitting resolution. Marsh et al 2014, submitted GMD (next slide) Contributions to the configuration toolkit (James Harle) Development of biogeochemical component (MEDUSA) and century-long runs in ORCA025 Applications of recent developments
What's new in NEMO's use and development from the Consortium's institutions Interactive Icebergs in NEMO Bob Marsh, Vladimir Ivchenko, Niklaos Skliris, Steven Alderson, Grant Bigg, Gurvan Madec, Adam Blaker and Yevgeny Aksenov σ 0 (ICEBERG) σ 0 (ICEBERG-CONTROL) Wind driven westward Antarctic Coastal Current strengthens by 20% as icebergs reduce the eastward geostrophic component by modifying the coast-ocean density gradient. Submitted to Geoscientific Model Development.