The Epic The Structure of an Epic Tale
Epic - a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero in which a series of great obstacles and majestic achievements occur. Myth - a story that explains an unexplainable event.
To Understand the Greeks, You Must Understand Their Values GREEK VALUES/ THEMES 1. *cunning over strength 2. *homeland 3. *respect for the gods 4. *spiritual development (“know thyself”) 5. *youth and beauty 6. *rhetorical abilities (admiration for those who speak well)
Traits of the Epic Hero 1. An epic hero is superhuman. He is braver, stronger, smarter, and cleverer than an ordinary person is. 2. The epic hero is on a quest for something of great value to him or his people. 3. The epic hero fights monsters. The villains that try to keep the hero from his quest are usually uglier, more evil, and more cunning than anyone we know in ordinary life.
4. The epic hero is often of mixed divine and human birth and so possesses human weaknesses. 5. The divine world (the gods) interferes with the human world. 6. The epic hero returns home significantly transformed by his journey. 7. In his journey, the epic hero covers great geographical distances and even visits the underworld, other worlds, and/ or other times.
Setting The setting of an epic is usually vast in scale.
Stages of a Hero’s Journey
The Call An invitation to adventure by an external event The event is often traumatic Voluntary or involuntary – Shrek decides to rescue Princess Fiona – Marlin decides to leave home to search for Nemo – Odysseus goes to battle in Troy
Refusal of the Call Often, the hero refuses to answer the call, or is reluctant to do so.
Supernatural Help Hero often has spiritual guidance from a wizard, elderly person, dwarf, fairy godmother, etc.
Talisman A particular item that holds special power for the hero that helps him navigate the unknown.
The Guardian Often there is a character who helps guard the hero. This character helps the hero to understand his life situation or helps him train for battle.
Companions There are usually friends or other companions who follow the hero on his journey.
Road of Trials/Challenges The hero is faced with challenges and battles which test his strength and goodness. Night or Sea Journey The hero usually travels a great distance, often in the dark or across an ocean.
Ultimate Boon/Magic Elixir Sometimes the hero steals or receives something that benefits humans, such as fire, an elixir of long life, or a bride.
The Return/Flight from the Pursuer Because of the new knowledge, the hero may not want to return There may be a flight from a pursuer which marks the return back to the known world