Where is Southeast located? Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, and Alabama are the states in the Southeast region of the United States. The south east is located here.
Where is Northeast located? Virginia, West Virginia, New York, Vermont, and Maine are the states in the Northeast region of the United States. This is where the Northeast region is located.
Where is the Great Basin located? Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, and Utah are the states in the Great Basin. This is where the Great Basin is located
Where is the great plains located? Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Iowa are the states in the Great Plains. This is where the Great Basin is located
Compare Southeast Region The Great Basin Northeast Region The Great Plains 1.Most of the time it is hot. 2.They all have some kind of home 3.They use every part of a animal. 4.I would like to live there.
Contrast The Great Basin Northeast region The Great Plains Southeast region 1.They have different lands 2. deferent people live there 3.They use different animals 4.They have different names for there homes 5.They have different group names
The essay I would like to living in the Great Plains because I think it would be cool. They have nice weather, they build there own houses, and they make there own clothing. The weather and land in the Great Plains is beautiful. The land is nice and grassy. The climate is also nice. In the winter it is very cold and in the summer it is very hot. In the Great Plains the people build teepees. The father builds the teepee most of the time. The frame is made out of wooden poles. The buffalo hide is stretch out and the father puts it on the top of the poles to make it a roof. That’s cool because the girls got to stay at there house. The great plains were cool clothing because it was made from hand. The boys were moccasin. And the girls were breechcloth. They are both made out of buffalo skin. I would like living in the Great Plains because you can hunt for your own food and the weather is nice and they make there own clothing.