REGION The Maidu region is in the mountain region. They were the first people to live on the Nevada border. They live near mount Lassen. The growing season is in the summer.
HOUSES The Maidu used different materials for their homes based on their particular region and the seasons. Maidu Indian winter homes were made out of slabs of cedar bark. The Maidus that lived in the mountains built cone shaped houses. Often made of branches, brush and dirt.
FOOD The Maidu Native Americans gathered acorns and wild berries. They also caught fish and game. The Maidu men hunted and the Maidu women gathered. The Maidu Native Americans food never changed according to the seasons.
CLOTHING Men wore buckskin breechcloths and sometimes they did not were anything at all women wore double-sided buckskin aprons. Also, they wore aprons made of woven plant materials, and basket- like caps. In the winter the women wore grass isolated moccasins. They made robes for the winter out of bearskin, deerskin, and mountain lion skin. Women pierced their ears,and men pierced their noses.
BASKETS Among the arts and crafts practiced by the Indians, basket making was one at which the Maidu excelled. Because they did not have pottery or metal containers. the women and girls had to weave baskets for gathering food and cooking. Both coiled and twined baskets were created incorporating designs with natural themes. Materials were gathered throughout the year and much care was taken in their preparation.