Location Conventions in Post Apocalyptic Films Post Apocalyptic films are usually a place or a state of the aftermath of a disaster. Locations involve isolated settings as this creates tension as the character is alone. Here are some examples from 28 Days Later, Monsters and I am Legend.
Characters within Post Apocalyptic In Post Apocalyptic films there is a male protagonist who is pushed into action as the place which has been affected by a disaster holds threat and violence. There is a group or a tribe who seek anarchy in which the protagonist encounters. Characters struggle throughout the film but usually survive.
Mise-en-scene Long and wide shots are common in post apocalyptic as it makes the character seem alone and isolated. The use of costume and prop in the photo below help tell the audience what is going on. In this case the use of medical patient overalls show that he is helpless as we associate the costume of someone in hospital severely injured. The wide shot reassures us that he is helpless as no one is around.
Establishing shots are used to explain where the scene is set; what time of day it is and what time of year.
Point of view and over the shoulder shots are used so that we, the audience, can see what that person can see and are put in their position so we feel the emotions they are feeling. Close ups show emotion and so the use of this cinematography is used so that we can see the emotions on the face of which ever character within the film and recognise what they are feeling. The use of a close up is also to let you know that you need to focus on something. Above is a close up of a cello. The reason for the close up is so you focus on the sound it is creating.
Editing The use of a cut either changes the scene binds time together to make the time scale shorter than what it would be in real life varies the point of view builds up an image or idea. Cutting is used in all films, however, is used differently depending on the genre of film. Cutting tends to happen often and at a fast past to show danger or threat in post apocalyptic films. Slow motion is used to make a fast action bold and evident, and also to emphasise a dramatic moment within a scene. In Monsters there is a long shot of the village and then it cuts to a mid shot of the two characters looking at the village this is to show the audience what they're looking at.