Airborne Atmospheric Measurement and Profiling System (AAMPS)
Current P3 Data System
Instrument Manufacturer Instrument TypeQtyInterface TypeResponse Time Data Rate RosemountStatic Pressure Transducer2Analog15ms-- RosemountDynamic Pressure Transducer4Analog15ms-- RosemountDifferential Pressure Transducer7Analog10ms-- RosemountAbsolute Pressure Transducer1Analog15ms-- VaisalaCabin Pressure1Analog/Serial(RS232)1s1Hz VaisalaDewpoint Pressure1Analog/Serial(RS232)--1Hz RosemountDeiced Platinum Wire Resistor2Analog1.5s-- RosemountNon-Deiced Platinum Wire Resistor 2Analog1.0s-- BarnesIR Radiometer ( um)1Analog40ms-- BarnesIR Radiometer (14-16 um)1Analog1.5s-- BarnesIR Radiometer (selectable)1Analog40ms-- General EasternHygrometer1Analog50ms-- Edge TechHygrometer1Analog50ms-- Buck ResearchHygrometer1Analog/Serial(RS232)50ms1Hz TDLHygrometer1Analog7ms-- Lyman AlphaSpectral Absorption1Analog2ms-- Johnson WilliamsLiquid Water; Resistance Wire1Analog1s-- KingLiquid Water; Hot Wire1Analog1s-- Eppley PSPPyranometer12Analog1s-- Eppley PIPPyrgeometer12Analog2s-- Stewart WarnerAPN-159 Radar Altimeter1Synchro10us400Hz GouldAPN-232 Radar Altimeter1Synchronous Serial-- Rockwell CollinsGPS1HaveQuick/Serial(RS422)--1Hz Ashtec/MagellenGPS1Serial(RS232)--1Hz DelcoInertial Navigation System2Synchronous Serial--40Hz
AAMPS Project Goals ● Modernize and standardize the data systems on all AOC platforms – minimize dissimilarities. ● Make it scalable for use in both heavy and light aircraft applications. ● Simplify routine maintenance, troubleshooting, and project preparations. ● Support AOC standard instrumentation, third-party systems, and provide a solid growth path for future hardware and instrumentation. ● Use commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware/software – minimize custom interfaces.
(2) Lockheed Orion (WP-3D) (3) DeHavilland Twin Otter (DHC-6) Gulfstream G-IVSP Cessna Citation II (CE-550) (2) Rockwell Aero Commander (AC-500S) Gulfstream Turbo Commander (AC-690) Lake Seawolf (LA-27) MD-500 Bell 212
Configurable AAMPS Module (CAM) ● Real-time data acquisition computer – CompactPCI (6U) – RTLinux RTOS ● Utilizes COTS hardware ● Standard CAM (4U) and CAM-Lite (1U)
CAM I/O Analog Inputs –Up to 96 channels –16-bit resolution –(+-)10v input range –Up to 1KHz sampling Analog Outputs –4 channels minimum –16-bit DAC –0-10v output –1Hz data rate Synchro-to-Digital –2 channels minimum Course/fine –16-bit resolution –400Hz sampling Parallel Digital –Counter/Discretes 32-bit word width TTL
CAM I/O (Cont’d) ARINC-429 Rx –2 Rx channels minimum –12.5/100 KHz ARINC-561 Tx –1 Tx channel minimum –11KHz MIL-1553 –Bus Controller –2 channels mimimum Synchronous Serial –2 channels mimimum –Up to 1Mbps Asynchronous Serial –8 channels mimimum –RS-232/422/485 –Up to 1Mbps Time Synchronization –IRIG-B I/O –HaveQuick/RS-422/1-PPS input