Physiogenomics of Stressors in Derived Consomic Rats Dissect multigenic common Heart, Lung, Blood, & Sleep diseases through the development of panels of chromosomal substitution strains of rats (consomic rat panels). Focus: Rat Models of HLBS Disorders
Consomic panels from SS.BN1 to SS.BN 21 SS.BN1 SSBN12 SSBN4 SS BN SS BN SS.BN4 SS.BN12 SS.BN16 SS.BN20 SS.BN8
PhysGen Organization
Genomics Component – Animal Breeding Up to 6000 genotypes per week are performed (3500 on average) and utilized to speed the development of the consomic strains
Genomics Component - Genotyping PCR-based testing with selected genetic fluorescent markers Consomic progenitors have a QC total genome scan with 95 markers
Consomic Rat Distribution in collaboration with Charles River Laboratories Once strains are developed they are transferred to Charles River Laboratories to distribute animals to the public
Microarray Expression Studies in collaboration with The Institute for Genomic Research PGA
Phenotyping Component Studies Renal Respiratory Vascular Lung Cardiac Biochemical Histology
Renal Studies - Chronic Monitoring Facility with high salt stressor with high salt stressor 32 channels/unit x 10 recording units ( 300 cages: metabolic and non-metabolic)
Respiratory Studies - Plethysmograph boxes for acute hypoxia and hypercapnia stressors
Vascular Studies - Aortic Ring Preparation 16 bath set-up for simultaneous study of 8 rats/day; with high salt stressor
Hypoxic conditioning for Lung and Cardiac Phenotyping Studies Simultaneous conditioning of 108 animals at 12% O 2
Lung Studies Characterization of pulmonary vascular resistance and airway responsiveness to cholinergic challenge in 5 rats per day
Cardiac Function Studies - 6 perfused hearts in parallel
Small Animal Profile (ANP-1) Glucose, AST, ALT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Bilirubin, Total Cholesterol, Total Protein, Albumin, Urea Nitrogen, Creatinine, Phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate, Anion Gap Complete Blood Count With Differential (CBC) RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet, WBC and Differential Biochemical Studies
Histology Studies Characterization of the morphological responses of abdominal aorta, heart and kidney tissues to normoxia, hypoxia, high salt and L-NAME treatments Tissue slides available via order form Effects of High Salt on Kidneys from FHH and SS Strains The FHH kidney (left) shows only mild pathological changes. The SS kidney (right) shows widespread tubular protein casts (red) and fibrosis (blue) in the vasa recta. Trichrome Stain.