Designing the Metrics Breakout Sessions Block 1: Designing the Metrics Breakout Session 1.1: Sustainable Development Goals, Global Boundaries, and Safe.


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Presentation transcript:

Designing the Metrics Breakout Sessions Block 1: Designing the Metrics Breakout Session 1.1: Sustainable Development Goals, Global Boundaries, and Safe Operating Space for Humanity Chair: Hans-Peter Plag Rapporteur: Senay Habtezion 3rd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop NAVIGATING SUSTAINABILITY ON A CHANGING PLANET March 23-25, 2015, Norfolk, VA, USA

Designing the Metrics CONTEXT (the bigger picture): H-PP GEO Ministerial summit on EOs (Jan 2014) [5 key areas ] – Importance of SDGs and of GEO in focusing on devt of GEOSS on the information/knowledge needs for SDGs – Need for Framework for defining and documenting observations and comprehensive sustainability metrics Feed Back to Nov 2015 Ministerial Summit on EOs (Nov 2015 – Mexico) Reflecting back – EOs have played key role; there is potential more – EOs combining with Socio-economic data – Need to be merged with models

Designing the Metrics … QUESTION: Question for us is how can we measure progress towards achievement of MDGs ? – Mgt tool – Report card on SDGs progress Key comments – Is it really upto GEOS to refine targets and variables = should we be focused on DATA ? – Develop sustainability (devt goal) information framework … to pull info out of GEOSS – GEOSS can serve as a forum to others not necessarily represented within the UN process

Designing the Metrics … Key comments (Ctd.) Recommend that upcoming GEO Ministerial summit – should commit to use GEOSS to USE GEOSS Complementarity with in-situ data and how to link to SDGs Ministers should provide guidance on how to develop targets and variables In light of broad nature of current goals and targets; GEO may need to prioritize and focus on key SDGs/targets that pertain to sustainability Need to identifying collective GOE input given likely variance in views on current versions of SDGs