Assignment #4: Key Inventors & Reformers Review Causes & Results of the Industrial Revolution to the right Examine the following slides and read information in text and on links Do additional research on line and discuss with partners or ask Ms. Greenberg as needed Assignment #4
Jethro Tull (p.283) What did he do? Why is it important to the IR?
Edmund Cartwright (p. 286) What did he do? Why is it important to the IR?
Elizabeth Gaskell (p. 290) What did she do? Why is it important to the IR?
Luddites (p.292) What did they do? Why is it important to the IR? History/1811%20Luddites/1811%20Luddites.htm
Adam Smith (p. 300) What did he do? Why is it important to the IR?
Capitalism ► Private ownership of goods ► Price is decided by supply and demand ► Laissez-faire: the government should not regulate the economy.
John Stuart Mill (p. 301) What did he do? Why is it important to the IR?
Socialism ► John Stuart Mill: “Greatest good for greatest number” ► The government should regulate the economy to create better working conditions and less poverty.
Karl Marx (p.302) What did he do? Why is it important to the IR?
Marxism/Communism ► Society is divided into “haves” (the factory owners” and “have nots” (the workers). ► The IR enriches the wealthy and impoverishes the poor. ► Therefore the workers will rise up in revolution against the factory owners. They will then control the “means of production” themselves. There will be no more private property. ► There will be no need for government.