FastMC Paul E. Reimer 21 June 2008
2 Paul E. Reimer FastMC E906/E866/…/…/… fastMC Program has been used successfully by many versions of Drell-Yan experiment Like any extremely useful tool it shows a great deal of wear 4 versions/branches that I know of: –“Standard” cdcvs repository (see code management talk) All my results are based on this Calculates Drell-Yan, single tracks, J/ψ, ϒ, J/ψ pairs from target and dump –Pionic decay version from Bryon Mueller Very useful for single muon rates Validated against E866 single muon data –Nathan Sparks’ tracking through coils version Calculate acceptance for muons not completely in aperture More flexible definition of fiudical volume –Chuck’s version Does anyone want to merge these branches?
3 21 June 2008Paul E. Reimer FastMC Conventions in the code Units are inches (sorry) and GeV Magnets bend particles in the y-z plane –This corresponds to the E866 configuration –Not intuitive y direction for current configuration I would not mind if someone had the time to “correct” these Output to HBook ntuple. –For GEANT and Analysis to we want a ROOT tree? Useful tool, but requires some learning and coding can be cryptic Not my intention to offer a tutorial here, but I’m more than happy to help anyone who asks Best way to learn is to do diff’s on input files. I will add several example input files to CVS repository y x z (beam)