Roberto is 78 years old and he was in the Korean War Roberto was born in Laredo, Texas. Laredo during the war had a population of fifty to seventy thousand people. He Graduated from Texas A&M, he was a school person. The Korean War started June 25th 1950.
May is when he joined the service until he retired. It must have felt tireding because you couldn’t go to sleep without worrying about getting killed.
Movies and radios were here in Laredo back then, and he liked Western music and liked watching sports.
The Korean War affected his life drastically, and the other people in the Korean War were affected as well. He had another member of his family in the service, his younger brother. Unfortunately, he was killed during the Vietnam war. They were the only two members in the service, and he was 22 when he joined the service. His family wrote letters but he wasn’t a letter writer. Sometimes the people that go in the war come back with different personalities, but he didn’t change his life-style did. He spent twenty-four years plus twenty- five in the service, and received metals to honor him during the war. Thirty-eight thousand as he said died in this war. We lost a lot of people…to us it may be a lot because of our little population, but to other states its just a few.
Korean war wasn’t really declared war. So sometime it is called the Forgotten War because it wasn’t well known. What Started the war was North Korea invaded South Korea. This Happened the 25 th of June 1958.
Nippon was used for the war to clear fields…so you can see farther away. They had their own individual weapons, he used a riffle, cruiser weapons, canons and he used tactful weapons, but did not use nuclear weapons.
Some people don’t know what a big deal war is. It is because they haven't lost someone close to them. They don’t know how it feels to be at war then to be watching one on television. Loved ones die, knowing your husband, brother, or father is dead or alive. Not knowing if your going to die tommorow.This is a special poem to all the veterans in any war to show that I care. American Heroes I wish you very good luck on your trip. Coming back a hero. I will honor you, and hope you come back safe. If you don’t I will be there to comfort you in each and everyway. You won't be just a person you will be my American heroes forever and always.