Aorist Participles & Genitive Absolute J. Lyle Story
Parse, look for position, and translate tou= sw/santov khru/cantev oi9 khru/cantev ta\ te/kna ta\ labo/nta e0celqw/n o( mh\ i0dw/n ai9 deca/menai deca/menai
Parse, look for position, and translate tou= kaqari/santov o( pa/sxwn o( pa/qwn ta\ te/kna ta\ a0kou/santa e9toi/masav o( e(toi/masav oi( swqe/ntev o( Xristo\v o( docasqei\v docasqei/v
Parse, look for position, and translate o( fagw/n labou=sa o( geno/menov tw=| bapti/santi tw=| bapti/sqenti oi9 diw/cantev toi=v e0ce/lqousin
Parse, look for position, and translate tou= a0kou/ontov tou= a0kou/santov h( swthri/a h( khru/xqeisa kaqarisqe/ntev o( ei0pw/n ei0pw/n tw=n ble/yantwn
Translate the Following ginw/skw ta\v a0delfa\v ta\v e0lqou/sav pro\v to\n nao/n. e0kei=no/v e0stin o( e0lqwn pro\v to\n nao\n kai\ o( i0dw\n to\n Xristo/n. a0kou/sav to\n lo/gon e0pisteu/sen tw=| sw/zonti tou\v ponhrou/v. a0nable/yav o( tuflo\v e0pi/steusen tw=| 0Ihsou=. oi( a0kou/santev e0pi/steuon tw=| sw/santi tou\v a(martwlou/v. tou= a0nqrw/pou lu/ontov to\n dou=lon, e0bleyamen to\ a0po/stolon.
Translate the Following oi( maqhtai\ oi( ei0selqo/ntev ei0v th\n e0kklhsi/an e0bapti/sqhsan u(po\ tw=n a0posto/lwn. o( pisteu/wn ei0v e0me\ pisteu/ei ei0v to\n pe/myanta me. o(moi/a e0sti\n h( basilei/a tw=n ou0ranw=n ko/kkw| sina/pewv (mustard seed), o$n (which) labw\n a1nqrwpov e1speiren e0n tw=| a0grw=| au0tou=. a0nalhmfqe/ntov au0tou= ei0v ou0rano\n ei0sh=lqon oi( maqhtai\ ei0v th\n e0kklhsi/an.
Translate the Following oi( dida/xqentev th\n o(do\n tou= 0Ihsou= e0bapti/sqhsan kai\ ei0sh=lqon ei0v th\n e0kklhsi/an tou= qeou=. a0kou/santev tau=ta, e0pisteu/samen e0n tw=| a0poqano/nti u(pe\r h(mw=n. proseuxo/meqa, mh\ i0do/ntev to\n dida/canta h(ma=v. khru/ssomen peri\ tou= sw/santov h(ma=v. diwkome/nwn tw=n profhtw=n u(po\ tw=n a0rxo/ntwn, oi( maqhtai\ h1rxonto ei0v a1llon oi]kon.
Examples from the Greek NT 0Amh\n a0mh\n le/gw u(mi=n o#ti o( to\n lo/gon mou a0kou/wn kai\ pisteu/wn tw=| pe/myanti me e1xei zwh\n ai0w/nion. Jn. 5:24 kai\ pesw\n e0pi\ th\n gh\n h1kousen fwnh\n le/gousan au0tw=|, Saou\l Saou\l ti/ (why?) me diw/keiv; Acts 9:3 kai\ e0kh/russen le/gwn... Mk. 1:7 tau=ta ei0pw\n, 0Ihsou=v e0tara/xqh tw=| pneu/mati... Jn. 13:21
Examples from the Greek NT ble/pei to\n 0Ihsou=n e0rxo/menou pro\v au0to\n kai\ le/gei, )Ide (behold) o( a0mno\v tou= qeou= o( ai1rwn th\n a(marti/an tou= ko/smou. Jn. 1:29 maka/riov o( a0naginw/skwn kai\ oi9 a0kou/ontev tou\v lo/gouv th=v profhtei/av (prophecy) Rev. 1:3 ei0selqw\n ei0v to\n nao\n tou= kuri/ou Lk. 1:10 ei0 ga\r e0xqroi\ o1ntev kathlla/ghmen (we were reconciled) tw=| qew=|. Rom. 5:10
Examples from the Greek NT e0k tou= o1xlou ou]n a0kou/santev tw=n lo/gwn tou/twn e1legon, Ou[to/v e0stin a0lhqw=v o( profh/thv Jn. 7:40 a0lla\ lh/myesqe du/namin (power), e0pelqo/ntov tou= a9gi/ou pneu/matov e0f 0 u(ma=v, kai\ e1sesqe/ mou ma/rturev (witnesses) e0n te 0Ierousalh\m kai\ e0n pa/sh| th=| 0Ioudai/a| kai\ Samarei/a| kai\ e#wv e0sxa/tou th=v gh=v. Acts 1:8
Examples from the Greek NT kai\ e0kblhqe/ntov tou= daimoni/ou, e0la/lhsen (he spoke) o( kwfo/v (the dumb/mute man). Mk. 9:33 kai\ ei0selqo/ntov au0tou= ei0v oi]kon oi( maqhtai\ au0tou= kat 0 i0di/an (idiom = privately) e0phrw/twn (were asking) au0to/n Mk. 9:28 eu0xaristw= ( I give thanks) tw=| qew=| mou pa/ntote (always), a0kou/wn sou th\n a0ga/phn kai\ th\n pi/stin (faith) h$n (which) e1xeiv pro\v to\n ku/rion 0Ihsou=n kai\ ei0v pa/ntav (all) tou\v a(gi/ouv. Philemon 4-5
Examples from the Greek NT nuni\ de\ mhke/ti to/pon e1xwn e0n toi=v kli/masi (regions) tou/toiv... poreu/omai ei0v (Ierousalh/m Rom. 15:23-25 a0mh\n a0mh\n le/gw u(mi=n o#ti e1rxetai w#ra kai\ nu=n e0stin o#te oi( ne/kroi a0kou/sousin th=v fwnh=v tou= ui9ou= tou= qeou= kai\ oi( a0kou/santev zh/sousin (will live) Jn. 5:25