Tuesday Summary Clusters - Galaxy assembly history through cosmological simulations can form bimodal cluster distributions. - Universal shape of the joint mass/age distribution of clusters ~ M -2 -1 - caused by similar disruption histories. - Dissection of stellar distribution in 47 Tuc indicates old age, and possible internal variations (continuous?). - SF continuous, traces gas. Infant mortality through gas expulsion after cluster forms. IMF normal. - Evaporation rate of GCs (driven by internal relaxation) is a modest power of density. MF is not universal.
Tuesday Summary
H Richer Talk
Tuesday Summary Galaxies - Predictions from hierarchical galaxy formation tested through stellar pops: (e.g., [ /Fe] in halo > dSphs). - Sgr leading/trailing arms indicates MW halo triaxial (vertically-oriented). 5-8 associated clusters, mostly in trailing arm. - Substructure is prominent among nearby galaxies. - M31 inner disturbance all produced by single stream, extended GCs bridge galaxies/clusters on r h vs L plane. - Lots of M31 outer substructure, large scale metal-poor streams…kinematic probes well underway. - NGC 147 and 185 dominated by intermediate ages (3-10 Gyrs), intermediate [Fe/H] ( ), and rotation.
Substructure - Kathryn’s Talk Bullock & Johnston (2005, ApJ, 635, 931) Kalirai et al. (2006, ApJ, 641, 268) Gilbert et al. (2009, ApJ, 705, 1275 Gilbert et al. (2009, ApJ, 701, 776) Tuesday Summary
MW: Inner vs Outer Halo Carollo et al Tuesday Summary
SPLASH Project: Surface Brightness and Metallicity Star-counts in outer fields (R > 60 kpc) well above extrapolation of Sersic inner spheroid. Best fit: power law R -2 halo. Guhathakurta et al. (2006) Kalirai et al. (2006) Kalirai et al. (2010, in prep.) Gilbert et al. (2010, in prep.) [Fe/H] = / at R < 30 kpc [Fe/H] = / at R > 60 kpc Tuesday Summary
A Radial Abundance Gradient in M31 Kalirai et al. (2006) Chapman et al. (2006) Kalirai et al. (2010, in prep.) Gilbert et al. (2010, in prep.) [Fe/H] = / at R < 30 kpc [Fe/H] = / at R > 60 kpc Tuesday Summary