Babylonians (2000 BC ) - One of the worlds first empires (a state in which the ruler also controls other lands) Babylon was the capital city Hammurabi was the great king Needed a set of laws to govern all the people -- Hammurabi’s Code - eye for an eye - the law applied differently to different people - government had the responsibility of the people
Phoenicians (1100 BC BC) - Very powerful traders and merchants Traded purple dye that came from snails Phoenicia is the capital city -- poor in natural resources -- had to trade Excellent sailors -- may have traveled around Africa Created trading colonies (300) Created an alphabet to keep records –- 22 letters -- adopted by the Greeks
Jews (2000 BC) Began with Abraham traveling to Canaan. Monotheists-- worshiped one god Never had lots of political power Moses - Led Jews out of Egypt Was given the 10 Commandments –Demanded a high standard of morality –King Solomon was greatest of the kings –Kingdom -- Israel –Built temple -- later destroyed
Assyrians (850 BC -612 BC) Assurbanipal -- most powerful king Very good fighters –Iron weapons –Most disciplined army -- marched in formation –Tortured and sent away the people they conquered –Nineveh was the great city and prospered from all of the war
Persians (550 BC BC) Empire based on tolerance and wise gov. Let local customs and religion remain the same Cyrus -- first king, Cambyses, Darius Divided empire into 20 provinces –Governor to each province (satrap) –Built a road system –Manufactured metal coinage
Egyptians (3300 BC BC) Nile River and desert provided protection Nile R. -- worshipped as a god, flooded regularly, their lifeline. Pharaoh - god king; worshipped many gods - polytheist. Achievements: hieroglyphics, pyramids, number, calendar, Medicine Religion: Osiris judged for afterlife. Had concept of afterlife and living forever.