VIDEO A recording of moving visual images made digitally or on videotape.
CAMCORDER A camcorder (camera recorder) is a portable electronic recording device capable of recording live-motion video and audio for later playback.
DIGITIZE Convert (pictures or sound) into a digital form that can be processed by a computer.
FILM Noun A thin flexible strip of plastic or other material coated with light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in a camera, used to produce photographs or motion pictures.
FILM Verb Capture on film as part of a series of moving images; make a movie of (a story or event).
LIVE Actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing. Context examples: a live television program
SHOOT To record film or video; also, “a shoot” is an informal term for the production phase of a film or video project.
TELEVISION Studio-based multicamera video that is often produced and transmitted “live”.
VISUAL LITERACY The ability to evaluate the content of visual media through an understanding of the way in which it is recorded and presented.