L.O. Know about the key players in the history of astronomy Starter: What is astronomy the study of?
Who are the important figures in the history of astronomy? CopernicusPtolemy
Ptolemy 150AD Like Aristotle, I believe that the Earth is the centre of the universe. The sun and five planets orbit us. Boom.
Copernicus 1543 I don’t believe Ptelomy’s theory. He doesn’t have a clue mate. I believe the sun is at the centre of the universe. Earth is just one of five planets that orbit it. The Earth spins on its axis, that’s why it appears the stars and our sun moves across the sky. Oh yes, I’m so clever!
Galileo 1632 I have built a telescope. Pretty pleased with myself actually. Copernicus is right, the planets do orbit the sun. Copernicus was worried about the church’s views, so didn’t publish his ideas until just before his death. I’m going to go for it...
Galileo Your theories are blasphemy! You shall be placed under house arrest! I cannot forget what I have seen. I will continue to study the universe. Galileo continued studying our sun and the universe and played the ultimate price for science.
Kepler Newton Circular orbits mean the planets are not in the right place at the right time. The orbits must be elliptical. Gravity is the force that causes this shaped orbit. And it shall be measured in me, the Newton!
Task: You have 15 minutes to complete the timeline and questions 1 and 2.
More about Telescopes Optical Telescopes on Earth need to be as high as possible where the atmosphere is thinner, so the light is scattered less. Optical telescopes can be placed on satellites, so they experience little distortion. Radio telescopes pick up heat energy in the form of radio waves, which penetrate the murk of stars gas and debris in space.
Hubble's 20th anniversary image shows a mountain of dust and gas rising in the Carina Nebula. The top of a three-light- year tall pillar of cool hydrogen is being worn away by the radiation of nearby stars, while stars within the pillar unleash jets of gas that stream from the peaks.