JERICHO JERICHO: – Destroyed by the LORD in Joshua’s day – Cursed the rebuilder (Josh 6:26; 1 Kgs 16:34) – Garden spot in Jesus’ day – Home to many Priests & Levites – Highway from Jerusalem: “The Way of Blood”
JERICHO JERICHO A certain man … fell among thieves “A certain man … fell among thieves” By chance a certain Priest … Levite “By chance a certain Priest … Levite” A certain Samaritan “A certain Samaritan” Which of these 3 were neighbor to him “Which of these 3 were neighbor to him?” – “He who showed mercy on him.” – “Go & do likewise.”
Religious service (worship) does not replace our OTHER primary duty to God. Religious service (worship) does not replace our OTHER primary duty to God. Matt 22:39; Lev 19:33-34; Deut 10:17-19; Heb 5:1-3 Serving Christ is a voluntary matter requiring spontaneous action Serving Christ is a voluntary matter requiring spontaneous action. Gal 6:10 There is a difference between serving God & doing good deeds. There is a difference between serving God & doing good deeds. Rom 10:1-4; Matt 6:3-4; Col 3:23-25; Matt 25:34ff
Religious service (worship) does not replace our OTHER primary duty to God. Religious service (worship) does not replace our OTHER primary duty to God. Serving Christ is a voluntary matter requiring spontaneous action Serving Christ is a voluntary matter requiring spontaneous action. There is a difference between serving God & doing good deeds. There is a difference between serving God & doing good deeds. Spiritual needs are the greatest needs Spiritual needs are the greatest needs. Eph 2:1; Acts 19:1-7
prepared True religion is ALWAYS prepared to serve personal It is OFTEN personal voluntary It is ALWAYS voluntary spontaneous It is SOMETIMES spontaneous personal reward It NEVER seeks a personal reward personal cost It is UNCONCERNED about personal cost highest good It SEEKS the highest good of others
…teaches HOW to be a neighbor …teaches HOW to be a neighbor. …did not represent any organization …did not represent any organization. …understood that serving God required selfless personal responsibility …understood that serving God required selfless personal responsibility. – Use your abilities, resources & opportunities to lead someone to the Great Physician!