Majority of Bible events took place in Israel Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Joshua’s conquest United & divided kingdoms Return of the remnant New Testament
The Bible is based on actual, historical… Places Events People
First city conquered, Josh. 6
Jesus & Jericho Zaccheus, Lk. 19:1-10 Good Samaritan, Lk. 10:30-36 Prior to Crucifixion, Mk. 10:46-52
Jesus dwelt in Capernaum, Mt. 4:12-17 Cast out demons, Mk. 1:21-28 Healing of paralytic, Mk. 2:1-12 The house, Mk 9:33-37
Sea of Galilee, Called apostles, Mt. 4:18-21 Calmed sea, Mt. 8:23-27 Walked on sea, Mt. 14:2-33
Place of decisive battles Deborah, Judg. 4, 5 Pharaoh Necho, 2 Kgs. 23 Symbolic, Rev. 16:12-16
Fertile valley Mt. Carmel, 1 Kgs. 18 Naboth’s vineyard, 1 Kgs. 21 Jezebel’s death, 2 Kgs. 9
Garden of Gethsemane, Mt. 26:30-56
Garden of Gethsemane, Mt. 26:30-56
Wailing Wall
Solomon’s Porch, Acts 5:12