Different Life Cycles By: Tamera Henderson
Content Area: Science Grade Level: 1st Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to have the students understand the life cycle of different animals, plants, and humans. Learning Objective: Given websites and videos on life cycles, students will be able to give information on the different life cycles with 100% accuracy. State Standard: GLE Recognize that living things have parts that work together. ISTE Standard: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Facts A life cycle is a change an organism goes through during its life. All organisms go through stages of development. Water, temperature, and light affect the development of organisms. Humans go through a life cycle too!
Learning More Life Cycle Video for Kids- Science from makemegenius.com
Humans We are all going through the life cycle as a human. Humans start off as a fetus inside of a mother’s womb. Over time, a human becomes a baby, a toddler, then a young child. After childhood, a human becomes a teenager, or adolescent, and then an adult. The cycle starts over again when a human becomes a parent.
Question Time!! What is the third stage of the human life cycle? a. Adolescent b. Adult c. Toddler d. Parent
Plants Plants need water and light to go through a life cycle. Plants start off as seeds. They need water and the sun to help them grow.
Questions, Question, QUESTIONS! What animal pollinates the flowers? a. bird b. butterfly c. spider d. bee
Life of a Butterfly o Butterflies do not start off as butterflies! o First a butterfly is a tiny egg. o From the egg a caterpillar is born. o Then the caterpillar build a pupa around itself. o When the pupa breaks a beautiful butterfly comes out!
Questions What does a butterfly start off as? a. a caterpillar b. a pupa c. an adult d. an insect
Feeling Froggy Frogs form from eggs just like butterflies. Frogs grow to be tadpoles before becoming a froglet. An adult frog is the last stage of its life cycle. The cycle repeats itself.
Last Question! What is the fourth stage in a frog’s life cycle? a. tadpole b. froglet c. adult d. egg
Activities while Learning Play these games about life cycles!! /life_cycle/games.htm /life_cycle/games.htm ycle/sequenceorder/ ycle/sequenceorder/
Summary In this lesson, students have learned about the life cycles of humans, plant, and animals. The students have watched a video further explaining life cycles, and have completed activities that corresponds with the lesson. To ensure students have an understanding, questions were given from the organisms in the lesson.