Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs
Construction Construction design has officially come back from architect. It is the same design I presented last meeting. Student Council is preparing to move into the Walnut Room. The project is expected to begin as early as next week and on Dec. 9 th at the latest.
Computers in Havener Partnering with IT to place computers in Havener. After some more deliberation, IT has decided to implement the VDI Thin Client Pilot Program in the Park Lounge. Once the details are finalized, Student Council will purchase a printer and possibly new furniture.
RSO Survey Working on Survey for Organizations Presidents to get a better idea of what resources they know and what they need With results, we hope to publicize more resources and make available necessary ones Has been completed, and will go out as soon as we get back from Thanksgiving.
Student Interest Survey Used to be a yearly survey, but last year has become a semesterly survey. Is open right now, will conclude on November 18. Had an article in the Miner. Results will be presented once compiled and analyzed.
Others Have a new web admin, so we will be working to update our website soon. Will go on KMNR to talk about Student Council next semester. Don D. Myers Scholarship is Open. If you feel there is a student who has made a significant contribution to the campus, please let them know. Applications are due Dec. 9 Winter Student Leadership Reception Want to work with Registrar to get a letter from Student Council sent to new students. Presidential Packet will become available beginning of next semester.