Centers of Excellence in Health A permanent approach to improving health systems in Africa Transforming Africa’s health systems… from within
Our Vision A healthy Africa where every individual can thrive Our Mission Overcome the burden of infectious diseases in Africa Our Strategy Establish, support and sustain African Centers of Excellence Accordia Global Health Foundation Committed to building permanent capacity for health leadership and innovation throughout sub-Saharan Africa
A locally-owned and sustainable health institution, focused on local or regional challenges, and aspiring to global standards of quality in three major program areas: What is an African Center of Excellence?
o Is owned and managed locally o Strives to achieve international standards o Specializes in particular discipline(s) or disease(s) o Remains committed to the communities it serves o Exemplifies good governance and transparency o Drives its own viability Further… What is an African Center of Excellence?
Accordia surveyed 41 COE in 15 African countries Africa’s Centers of Excellence Comparative Models Initiative Summit 2011 Summit 2012 Association of African Health Institutions
o Size ranged from 18 employees to 1,500 employees mean = 434 median = 190 o Annual operating budget from $1M to $52M mean = $11M median = $6.5M o Number of research projects underway from 1 to 40 mean = 7 median = 5 Accordia’s Comparative Models Initiative Heterogeneous collection of Centers of Excellence
An institution with strong support systems that encourage transparency, efficiency, and sustainability What is a Center of Excellence? Good governance and strong leadership Strong and transparent financial systems, grants management Deliberate strategic planning processes Monitoring & evaluation for continuous improvement Effective resource generation capacity Strategic use of Information & Communications Technology
Range of ownership and governance structures are possible, but one model seems to be most effective What is a Center of Excellence? Academic Institution Ministry of Health
Premium education and training – 14,000 trained from 28 nations Full spectrum research – 50 studies currently underway Specialized clinical services to more than 100,000 HIV+ patients Rural Outreach & Systems strengthening for more than 1M Ugandan owned. Ugandan led. Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University Accordia’s Flagship Center of Excellence Accordia established IDI as a Center of Excellence in Infectious Disease in and granted it to Makerere University in 2005.
($ Millions) Effective leverage of Pfizer’s $60M catalyst investment IDI’s Sustainability Equation
o Operate more cost-effectively and sustainably than foreign organizations and other aid missions o Create viable careers for health professionals, and help stem the “brain drain” of best local talent o Generate authentic, locally-relevant evidence to more effectively influence policy and programs We believe the impact of COE on local health systems is more profound and sustainable than any other investment Why “Centers of Excellence”?
Building Permanent Capacity for Health Accordia builds, resources and nurtures institutions in Africa, which then strengthen national health systems Stronger health workforce to design, lead and implement Local evidence base to guide improved policy and programs Improved delivery systems, commodities, and high quality health services Accordia Centers of Excellence
Sustainable Centers of Excellence in Health Multiple academic partnerships Government & Multilaterals Private Sector Partners Individuals & Foundations Accordia “Delivers” Our network provides access to the vision, committed leaders, financial resources, and technical expertise Academic Alliance Board of Directors Advisory Boards
International Academic Alliance … a global consortium, working collaboratively to build permanent capacity for health leadership and innovation in sub-Saharan Africa. Multi-institutional expertise and advocacy
Innovative industry advocacy - at an unprecedented scale Corporate platform - promotion of scholarship & science Leveraging business expertise – laboratory systems strengthening Business alignment – African government leverage and a healthy workforce investment Private Sector Partnership A long history of innovative programming Cutting edge research
Phase One: Laying the Foundation Phase Two: Building the Architecture Phase Three: Growing and Maturing Phase Four: Regional Expansion Accordia provides technical assistance and secures essential resources during various phases of development COE: Phases of Development
Nigeria Uganda Malawi Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) in Kampala, Uganda West African Infectious Diseases Institute (WAIDI) in Abuja, Nigeria Institute for Child Wellness in Africa in Blantyre, Malawi Plans to fully establish two additional COE in needed areas Ten Year Goal: “Replicate” IDI, twice Model COE Phase 4 COE Replication Phase 2 COE Vision Phase 1
West African Infectious Diseases Institute Accelerating research for improved health impact Established in Abuja in 2012, as a multi-institutional, collaborative center of excellence for health for advanced research and training for the region. Mission: Support and improve locally-driven research and promote its use in setting strong health policy and ensuring effective programs and scale.
Past and present support from USG and corporate partners Public Private Partnership West African Academic Alliance / WAIDI Steering Committee University endorsement Broad government support
Mission: Keep well children well Malawi: Institute for Child Wellness Knowledge Hub: Optimize existing knowledge, experience & capacity in the region Global Classroom: Sharing knowledge to inform policy and strengthen civil service Innovation Lab: Multiple Innovative Cross- Sector Research Programs Objectives -to increase the regional evidence base in support of more effective policy and programs affecting child wellness -to advance the science of integrated development and the use/impact of multi-sector approaches -to develop human resources and institutional capacity in the region.
Global Development Partners Broad support from a range of global authorities / funders
SHARE best practices & lessons learned through regular engagement COLLABORATE via joint programming for regional impact and support MATCH their capabilities to our global partners’ needs and interests Accordia has identified and networked 25 African centers of excellence, for regional impact and collective sustainability Network of African Centers of Excellence
Thank you for your interest Accordia Global Health Foundation 1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 630 Washington, D.C Tel