‘Success with Functional Skills’ January 2016
emskills.org.uk – Common errors in assessments – Assessments The changes
The aim of this workshop is to: Understand common errors Understand assessments Review the recent changes emskills.org.uk
Lack of practice – on screen and paper based Wrong level Assessment format – on screen, paper based – hand written or word processed Awareness of how marks are allocated Use of dictionaries/spell checker Knowledge of criteria (tutors/assessors) emskills.org.uk
Understanding questions - practice Knowledge of words - glossary Types of questions asked Too much time taken in copying out response to question Too much time on SPaG Not taking note of marks allocation Not using document pointers emskills.org.uk
Knowledge of formats and structure Understanding the difference between formal and informal language (L1 and L2) Knowing techniques for persuasive language (L2) SPaG Word count Proof reading Time Planning Understanding the allocation of marks emskills.org.uk
Bias, opinion Convey meaning (language, features) Understand the criteria emskills.org.uk
Format ( , letter, article, speech, report) Structure (open and close, three paragraphs) Content (follow the question) Spelling, punctuation and grammar (homophones, capitals, end of sentence, tense, verb subject agreement) emskills.org.uk
Letters – two addresses, a date and correct open and close s – addressee, subject header Articles – heading, subheadings/bullets where appropriate Newsletters – heading, subheadings/bullets where appropriate Reports – headings, subheading/bullets where appropriate Speeches – welcome, body of speech and close Correct paragraphing and appropriate introductions and conclusions emskills.org.uk
L evel 1- Capital letters at start of sentence and for proper nouns and end of sentence punctuation (full stop, question mark). Remember ‘I’ Level 2 – as above plus commas, apostrophes and inverted commas. Candidates are not assessed on semi-colons, colons or exclamation marks emskills.org.uk Common errors - Sentence structure Level 1- Simple and compound Level 2 – Simple, compound and complex
Too/to/two know/no their/there/they’re a/an yous (as in you(s)) your/you’re our/are were/where/we’re of/off/have (as in I could of gone) been/being whether/weather which/witch emskills.org.uk
All L1 and L2 students do L2 …easy for progression (if AO allows) Ensure the unfamiliar discussion topic allows for good research Presentation topic…student to choose something they are interested in Understand and follow the criteria emskills.org.uk
Realistic scenarios a) real life situations as far as possible b) situations to which most candidates are likely to be able to relate to Source materials and graphics will look more authentic and bear more visual resemblance to what candidates might expect to see in their daily activities. Questions/tasks Less guidance and structure Answers will require more extended responses and explanations rather than ‘lists’ Less reliance on sample papers to predict assessment and greater awareness of the full coverage and range Source documents The number of reading texts included in each assessment paper will be more varied. Level 1 – likely two Level 2 – at least two, likely three, possibly four emskills.org.uk
Level 1Level 2 C & GEdexcelC & GEdexcel Source documents 223/43 Time60 mins45 mins60 mins Questions Marks
Routine equipment grammar and/or spell checking devices (no access to internet) access any equipment routinely available in every day lives no pre-prepared notes or other material that will assist with the assessment Realistic scenarios a) real life situations as far as possible b) situations to which most candidates are likely to be able to relate to Source materials and graphics will look more authentic and bear more visual resemblance to what candidates might expect to see in their daily activities. Questions/tasks Less guidance and structure Activities will be more ‘open’ to enable candidates to provide more extended and developed responses Marking A candidate with weak SPaG will no longer be able to pass some AO’s assessments purely on the content marks. emskills.org.uk
Level 1Level 2 C & GEdexcel*C & GEdexcel** Tasks/Activiti es 2222 Time60 mins45 mins65 mins60 mins Marks * 40% SPaG** 40 – 45% SPaG
Please collect a hand out as you leave. Thank you for your time. emskills.org.uk