Nature of Science Notes Part II- Experimental Design
What is the question or problem?
Gather information about the problem by using two types of observations: 1. Quantitative -descriptions that use numbers (ex. -2C, 200 ml) 2. Qualitative – descriptions that do not use numbers (ex. color, odor, touch)
A tentative explanation. A statement that can be tested. Written in If… then… format. Imagination and creativity
Experimental design includes three variables: 1. Independent- variable that can be changed. 2. Dependent- variable that changes in response to the independent variable. 3. Controlled- all other variables kept consistent during experiment.
YearJan.Feb.MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.Annual Observations and analysis continued. Data Table. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in Mauna Loa, Hawaii.
Observations and analysis continued. Same data analyzed in a graph.
Do you accept or reject your hypothesis? Refer to data to support your statements. Discuss possible experimental error.