STAR StiVmc V. Perevoztchikov Brookhaven National Laboratory,USA.


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Presentation transcript:

STAR StiVmc V. Perevoztchikov Brookhaven National Laboratory,USA

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local StiTGeo helper StiVmc is based on TGeo representation of geometry. But there is no direct dependency between them. All the communication goes thru StiTGeo helper class. This class contains: Simple array of pointers to StVoluInfo objects. TGeoVolume::GetNumber() used as an index. These objects keep specific Sti information, related to each volume. Contains global StiHit container, only for hits used in SeedFinder. Map container of StHitPlane(s) with HardwarePosition of StHit as a key

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local For each TGeoVolume could be related one StVoluInfo object which contains: Some flags, like: It is a module, like TPCE,SVTT; It is a Module with Hits; Active module; It is a HitPlane : StVoluInfo class

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local StHitPlaneInfo inherited from StVoluInfo class and used instead of it for sensitive volumes : Center of Hit plane in mother system; Direction of Hit plane in mother system; Hit container, simultaneously sorted by two variables, like Phi/Z Phi/Rxy etc…; Pointer to functor, which provides activity of sensitive sub volume. Map container of StHitPlane objects. These ones related to each TGeoVolume instantiation. It is sorted by TGeo path of founded object. : StHitPlaneInfo class

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local This class represents concrete sensitive detector. It’s functionality close to StiDetector. Contains: Center of Hit plane in global system; Direction of Hit plane in global system; Hit container, simultaneously sorted by two variables, like Phi/Z Phi/Rxy etc…; Pointer to functor, which provides activity of sensitive sub volume. Container of StHitPlane and StHitTube classes. These classes : StiHitPlane class

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Loading of hits is made maximally independent of hit nature and origin. To add into StiVmc new detector there is no need to modify even one line of code. No more StiSsd, StiSvt, StiTpc, StiRnD and StiXXX classes. StiHitLoader does the following:  Iterate via StEventHitIter iterator;  Adds it to StTGeoHelper object;  StTGeoHelper tries to find according StHitPlane in StHitPlane map container by StHit hardware position.  If not found, search volume it in TGeoManager by x,y,z. l If not found, hit ignored; l Get volume id and get according StHitPlaneInfo; l Get StHitPlane by path and save it into StHitPlane map.  Save hit into StHitPlane object. : StiHitLoader

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local If geometry is not aligned, some hits could not find their volume. How many? StiMaker:INFO - StTGeoHelper::AddHit : Hit in /HALL_1/CAVE_1/TPCE_1/TPGV_1/TPSS_3 Not Found StiMaker:INFO - StTGeoHelper::AddHit : Hit in /HALL_1/CAVE_1/TPCE_1/TPGV_1/TPSS_9 Not Found StiMaker:INFO - StiHitLoader::LoadHits : Loaded good and failed 25 Tpc hits StiMaker:INFO - StiHitLoader::LoadHits : Loaded good and failed 25 of all hits So in case of pp2009a 0.2% of hits lost. So not aligned TPC geometry does not affect reconstruction. : StiHitLoader(2)

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local StiSeedFinder in StiVmc used similar to Sti algorithm. The difference only different hit container. In StiVmc used 3 keys map container. In the following pictures:  Seeds + unused TPC outer hits;  Only unused TPC outer hits; You can see that new StiSeedFinder is rather good. On the picture with only unused hits you can not notice the real tracks. : StiSeedFinder

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local : Seeds + all hits

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local. : Unused hits

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Hit Errors D w

STAR Track direction T. Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Hit error parameterization

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Hit error + diffusion Electron cloud around the track increased due to diffusion. Diffusion along Z and in X,Y directions is different and additional dispersion could be written as: Resulting parameterization is:

STAR Comparing this with the previous it is unfortunately evident that old Sti error parameterization is completely wrong. All our production was made with wrong errors. Fortunately it does not mean that results are wrong, but accuracy is not such good as it could be. It could affect only such very precise physics as D0. Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Old Sti Hit errors

STAR It will be shown later that the best plane for a fit is DCA plane. DCA plane is a plane orthogonal track direction and includes hit point and DCA point to this hit. Projecting hit errors on detector plane into DCA plane along the track direction gives errors: You see, these formulas are much simpler than in detector plane and there is no any bad divisions by zero, like in previous case. So DCA plane is much better for fit. All these formulas were tested by Monte-Carlo, which gave exactly same result. Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local DCA plane hit errors

STAR StiNavigate class provides navigation thru geometry volumes. In current version it is based on VMC navigation but in future probably directly on Tgeo. StiNavigate: Initialized by current space point, direction and momentum; Navigates thru volumes. On each volume: Updates matrix of derivatives, using helix approximation; Calculates energy loss and multiple scattering; If volume is sensitive and active, navigation is stopped; Then get from StiHitPlane double sorted StiHit container, StiHitPlane direction, passed length, accumulated material info, position, track parameters and errors, volume path, derivative matrix. Fitting started. Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Navigation

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fitting Let consider simplified, 2d case. Hitting plane along Y axis, track crossed Y axis with angle α wrt X axis. So :  global track parameter α projected into local Y and proportional to sin(α).  when α << 1, then sin(α ) = α – α**3/6, second term is very small and projection from global to local system is linear.  Projections of error matrix is also linear. In local frame fit is linear. Back transformation of fitted parameters and errors is linear too. When α is small then curvature ρ is also projected into local Y linearly. So life is good. But when α >1, life is bad. Linearization is wrong, linear fit is wrong, Backward transformation into global is also wrong. All the times, when I saw unstable fit in Sti, it was α >1

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fit continue Could we do something with bad fit with α > 1? Yes, we can! Why we fit in local frame? There are only two reasons:  We know that track is crossing our hit plane;  We know hit errors on this plane; Let invent another local frame, where linearization is working always. The evident candidate is DCA frame. This frame is: Plane perpendicular to the track and crossing the hit point. Look the following picture.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local DCA Frame α α δdδd D δDδD d β

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Picture caption  Vertical bold line: Hit Plane;  Green star: Hit on hit plane;  Red star: DCA point of track wrt hit (green star). Arrow is a predicted track with the parameters in DCA point.  Blue star is a new position of track with the modified parameters in this point;  α is a crossing angle of the predicted track;  β is an angle between predicted track and fitted o α ne;  α+β is a crossing angle of the fitted track;  D is the distance between hit and crossing point of the predicted track;  D+δD is the distance between hit and crossing point of the fitted track;

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Picture caption continue  d is the distance between hit and DCA point of the predicted track;  d+δd is the distance between hit and fitted track point in DCA plane;

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fitting in DCA frame In DCA frame, linearization with β and d is correct, track is perpendicular to DCA plane. In hit plane we minimizing the: ((D+δD) / σ )**2 where σ is a hit error. Let express it in DCA parameters. Looking on the previous picture and using sine rule: (D+δD) / cos(β) = (d+δd) / cos(α+β) In linearization β is small and cos(β) = 1 Then: ((D+δD) / σ )**2 == ((d+δd) / ( σ * cos(α+β) )**2

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fitting in DCA frame(2) ((D+δD) / σ )**2 == ((d+δd) / ( σ * cos(α+β) ))**2 So now we can minimize: ((d+δd) / ( σ * cos(α+β) ))**2 It still does not look like much better. Still cos(α+β) when α is not small could not be linearized. But now is a time to remember that for TPC and for all other detectors: σ = σ0 / cos(α+β) So cos(α+β) is canceled out. We minimize: ((d+δd) / σ0 )**2 without any loss of accuracy.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Local or DCA frame? From the discussion above it is clear that fit in DCA frame always is better than in local one. In addition, fit in DCA frame is irrelevant to hit plane orientation. It is proper for TPC, FTPC and all other detectors. But amount of computation in DCA is slightly bigger. I propose to use strategy:  TPC like detector: |α| < 0.5 use local frame fit. It is about 90% of all tracks;  TPC like detector: |α| > 0.5 use DCA frame fit.  Not a TPC like detector: use DCA frame fit.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local The role of alignment We see, that for fit, we need only:  To know the space position of the hits;  Hit errors. These errors are calculated from hit plane orientation and predicted track parameters; Hit plane position is not used at all. Hit errors are proportional to 1/cos(α). So for small α to know precise orientation of hit plane is not too important. Some inaccuracy arise only for |α| > 1. But even here it is not dangerous. Even completely wrong errors do not lead to the shifted estimate. Only estimation error are increased in this case. So some inaccuracy in the hit errors is not too critical. Precise alignment of hit planes is not important for fit.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local The role of alignment(2) The correct geometry description is important for accounting energy loss and multiple scattering. We see it Sti, which does not work properly for UPC, due to wrong Sti geometry. In the same time alignment of dead material volumes also not important. The correct, “ideal” geometry is absolutely enough for the material accounting. Precise Geometry alignment is not important for reconstruction.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local What is already done(Old)  StEvent StHit iterator;  TGeoVolume iterator;  StiTGeo helper class;  Multi key (2 & 3) sorted container. 3 key global hit container used in seed finder. 2 key hit container in each hit plane.  SeedFinder based on 3 key sorted container.  Helix derivatives matrix  StiNavigate is ready.  Multiple scattering and energy loss accounting implemented and working also for geometry comparison.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local What is already done(Now)  StiHitLoader, no dependency of detectors ;  StiDefault Seed Finder. Now tuned for TPC but only tuned;  StiGeometryLoader, with no detector dependency;  Propagation thru TGeo using TGeant3 + derivatives and errors  HitErrorCalculator with two modes: l Standard detector plane errors l DCA plane errors

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Loading of hits is made maximally independent of hit nature and origin. To add into StiVmc new detector there is no need to modify even one line of code. No more StiSsd, StiSvt, StiTpc, StiRnD and StiXXX classes. StiHitLoader does the following:  Iterate via StEventHitIter iterator;  Adds it to StTGeoHelper object;  StTGeoHelper searches according StHitPlane in StHitPlane map container by StHit hardware position.  If not found, search volume it in TGeoManager by x,y,z. l If not found, hit ignored; l Get volume id and get according StHitPlaneInfo; l Get StHitPlane by path and save it into StHitPlane map. : StiHitLoader

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local : Seeds + all hits

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local. : Unused hits

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local : Geant track propagation

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local What is needed to be done  StiTrackFinder (copy & paste from old Sti);  StiTrackFitter (copy & paste from old Sti);  StiRefit (copy & paste from old Sti);  Total reshape. When: with free hands, beginning of June. But free hands is impossible, so +1 month. :

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local : Fitted tracks propagation

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Status Jul 2010 To avoid clashes with Sti new Sti is renamed to Stv. Now alpha version of Stv is ready. What is included?  Hit loader;  Seed Finder;  Track finder, based on Kalman fitter/filter;  Vertex finder (not PPV);  StEvent filler;  Pull filler What is not:  No backward track finder;  No smoother or refit;  No primary track fitter;

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Comparison and testing Right now real comparison is not possible yet. It is related to new hit error model. Before testing, we must obtain hit error parameters. For Sti StiFiterr application is used. There is no such application for Stv yet. During this week I hope the new StvFitErr will be ready. Then the end of Jul and Aug I will perform the testing and comparison. In parallel all the “NO” points above will be implemented. If above will be successful, in September, the massive testing will be performed

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Local Y pull distribution

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local lZPull

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local lYHit

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local lZHit

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Status Nov 2010 Geometry loader:  Loads TGeo geometry. Automatically recognize sensitive volumes, their orientations, positions. Creates structures to support hits Hit Loader:  Loads hits. Automatically recognition to which volume each hit belongs. No need for RND developer to create specific software for each version of detector. Geant geometry is enough. Seed finder & Track reconstruction is ready. Track smoother or refit is ready; Primary track assignment and fitting in process. Right now is mainly tuning and testing

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local : Fitted tracks propagation

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local. : Unused hits

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Status Feb 2011 Alpha version is finished. Now testing. For test was selected file st_physics_ _raw_ daq First events was used. Sti has 260 good globals per event. Stv % more Sti has 10 good primary per event. Stv % more Sti has 4% primaries per global. Stv 5% Sti 28 hits per global. Stv 21. Stv 25% less Sti 32 hits per Primary. Stv 22. Stv 32% less (???) Sti Dca00, DcaXY & DcaZ are much worse then Stv ones(???)

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Sti/Stv: good globals & primaries

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Sti/Stv: Hits globals & primaries.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Sti/Stv: Dca globals of primaries.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Status Feb Discussion Sti has more globals but less hits per global. Why? Let us count total amount of global hits. Sti = 260*28 = 7280 Stv= 349*22 = It looks like Sti steals hits from other tracks. Then these robbed tracks became bad (<15 hits) Now the same for primaries: Sti=10*32 = 320 Stv=17*22 = 374. The previous guess works here as well Now why Dca’s for Sti are such bad? The same explanation fits. Wrong hits stolen by Sti deteriorate Dca’s Of course, it is only guess.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Status Nov Problems:  Fixing wrong pulls;  Shortage of short tracks (nHits<15);  K-Nearest Neighbor seed finder

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fixing wrong pulls In current case pulls are the difference between fitted parameter and simulated one, divided by fitted error. If everything is correct, this value should be distributed around zero with width =1. We had something different. See pulls for Sti and Stv on the next page

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Wrong pulls show for globals

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Wrong pulls show for primaries

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fixing wrong pulls continue You can see that Stv pulls much worse than Sti ones, which are not ideal as well. Especially bad result for primaries. Even average is far from zero. Big work was done to find a reason:  StvFitErrors application was revised and rewritten;  Many testing routines was written and according algorithms were tested. Some bugs were found and fixed.  Fitting and refitting algorithms were cleaned up and partially rewritten. Some bugs were found. No one of this point was golden key, but in total it gave the following results, see the next page:

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Fixed pulls

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Pulls improvement Now pulls of Stv and Sti became comparable: Stv results are not ideal but better than for Sti ones PtTanLPsi AveSigmaAveSigmaAveSigma Stv Sti

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Shortage of tracks in Stv This shortage is seen especially for short tracks with nHits<15, But also seen for others. : Thi nGlobnPrimnGlob15nPrim15 Stv Sti

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Tracks with KNN seed finder I suppose that guilty party in track shortage is seed finder. To check it I tried to use CA seed finder. Unfortunately I failed to reanimate it. Then KNN seed finder was developed and implemented. KNN seed finder, give better result. But in this case only small statistics (two events) is used. KNN seed finder gives better result without tuning. There is a hope, that with tuning it will be even better. : nGlobnPrimnGlob15nPrim15 Stv StvKNN Sti

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) seed finder ) K Nearest Neighbor is one of those algorithms that are very simple to understand but works incredibly well in practice (Saravan Thirumuruganathan ) The site above gives rather good description of KNN method. Short description of KNN seed finder. The main idea, if you look along the track, you see the dot. 1. Select first hit; 2. Direction from hit to point (0,0,0) is X axis in spherical coordinate system; 3. Arbitrary define orthogonal axis’s Y and Z 4. Select not too big volume near first hit; 5. Loop over hits in volume, calculate Phi and Theta; 6. Calculate distance in (Phi,Theta) space to previous hits; 7. Save K smallest distances for each hit; 8. Select hit with the smallest K distance; 9. This hit and the nearest ones forms the seed.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local KNN seed finder(2) If founded KNN distance is too big, there is no seed. If track is not strait, then in (Phi,Theta) space it will be not a dot but short line. Calculate the width of this line. If width is too big, it is not a seed. On the next page two figures of good seed. Afterwards there is an example of bad seed.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Good KNN seed

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local KNN bad seed

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local KNN statistics wide cuts n No tracksFound tracks

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local KNN statistics narrow cuts No tracksFound tracks

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Summary  Wrong pulls problem solved (~)  Tracks shortage probably related to bad default seed finder;  KNN seed finder implemented,is promising and needs tuning;  CA TPC seed finder is not working anymore. Something was changed, needed attention.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Status Dec Comparison StiKNN & StvKNN:  Sti was modified to accept list of seed finders. Code is not committed.  StiKNNSeedFinder was implemented. Code of StvKNN was directly used, via #include. So all the parameters of StvKNN & StiKNN seed finders exactly the same.  Results of comparison are very controversial.

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Comparison Sti, StiKNN & StvKNN nGlobnPrimnGlob15nPrim15gDompDom Sti StiKNN StvKNN

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Globals & Primaries Sti StiKnn StvKnn

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Good Globals & Primaries Sti15 StiKnn15 StvKnn15

STAR Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Championship Sti, StiKNN & StvKNN nGlobnPrimnGlob15nPrim15Split Sti2nd1st3rd 2nd StiKNN 3rd 2nd 1st StvKNN1st2nd1st 3rd

STAR Dominant contributors Victor Perevoztchikov, BNL StarSoft local Sti StiKnn StvKnn