VLOOKUP() Mr Hamflett
What does it mean lookup?? zBoth V and H lookups have the job of referencing data from another table. zThis means we have two tables. yA source table yA reference table zA lookup will, given a value from the source, look it up in the reference table
Looking at a example Below is a list of year 7 pupils Each pupils form group is given Want to use a lookup to get the teachers name.
Reference Table zA reference table could be created. zThis table would just list out the form groups and the form teachers zMuch smaller than the source table!
So the idea is... zWe use the source table to look up data in the reference table. Look up value Into this table!
The result off a look up will be
So a VLOOKUP... zSimply takes a cell. zLooks at its value (say 7.6) zLooks at a reference table. zFinds where it the source cell (looks for 7.6) zThen displays the result!
Understanding the function zWe now know what roughly it does, lets look at how to write the function! zThe format is zVLOOKUP(SourceCell, ReferenceTable,ColumnToLookup)
Source cell zVLOOKUP(SourceCell…… zThis is the cell which you are using as the basis of your lookup Source Cell B2
Reference Table zVLOOKUP(B2, ReferenceTable… zThis is the whole table which you are looking up. zUse a cell range OR a table name. zIMPORTANT use absolute cell reference! Whole table is the reference table
Column to lookup zVLOOKUP(B2, $B$10:$C$12, ColumnToLookup) zThis is NOT a cell reference! zThis is where the V and H lookups differ zV stands for vertical zH stands for horizontal
V and H zOr more clearly zV looks at columns zH looks at rows zExpects a whole number (1,2,3 etc) zThis corresponds to the column or row number the answer is in!
V = column lookup! zThe answer we want to display lies in the 2nd column. zCounting starts at 1 zSo we would write 2
The complete formula! z=VLOOKUP(B2, $B$10:$C$12, 2) zOr in words - zLook at the value in B2. zFind it in the table range $B$10:$C$12 zOnce found, look at the second column. zDisplay what ever is in there!
So the finished table is!