Bri’Ana Woods EDTC 5103
Scholarly journals Notebooks Pencils Plan of action worksheet
Sit back and think about the terms copyright and Fair Use. What do those terms mean? Where have you heard them before?
Teacher: Think about all the times you have written a paper or had to cite work from another person. We know that if you were to use their words without the proper citation, we would be plagiarizing, copying work illegally. On your paper write down all the people that can be copyrighted. Have students write down their answers and share out loud. (Students should have any type of author, photographer, music artist, or artist as an answer)
Teacher: As we learn about copyright, we know that to avoid any copyright issues, we can properly cite information or ask for permission from the author to use their work. During our copyright lesson, we will also learn about fair use. The United States has a copyright law in which fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. There are four exceptions of Fair Use that allow a work to be used 1. the purpose of the work 2. the nature of the work 3. the amount of the work to be used 4. the effect of use on the market
With a partner, find a scholarly journal of your choice. Read through the article and find a section you would use for your plan of action. Together, make sure you will be using the four exceptions of fair use in order to use the section of your journal in your plan of action. Create a checklist in your notebook of the four exceptions to ensure you are following the fair use terms.
On your own, repeat the process with a new journal article. Create a new checklist for the four fair use exceptions. If you are not following the exceptions, figure out a way to make sure you are to avoid any copyright issues.
Ask yourself questions like: ◦ What is my purpose for using this work? ◦ What is the nature of my reason for using this work? ◦ How much of the work am I going to be using? ◦ When I use this in my plan of action, what effect will this have on the market?
Once you have your section of the article picked out and have checked everything off your checklist, proceed to complete your plan of action. Your plan of action should include your section of an article, your checklist, the answer to your four questions, and a statement about how to use fair use and avoid copyright.
Article Section: Checklist of fair use terms: Questions: ◦ What is my purpose for using this work? ◦ What is the nature of my reason for using this work? ◦ How much of the work am I going to be using? ◦ When I use this in my plan of action, what effect will this have on the market? Statement of how you will avoid copyright issues and use fair use:
What does it mean to have your work copyrighted? What is fair use? How can you avoid copyright issues? What are the four exceptions to fair use? What should you do if you want to use an author’s work?