Welcome to CJHS Helping Your Child with Mathematics 8 th Grade Math Team: Patti Allen Denise Botkin Regina Hytower Ahmad Webb Jamoris Wyatt
GPS to CCGPS – GPS – CCGPS Transition Year CCGPS Georgia Curriculum Standards About the Common Core State Standards *Led by National Governors Association (NGA) and Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) *Co-chaired by Governor Perdue *Developed by standards experts and educators *Supported by rigorous international standards *Received multiple rounds of feedback from states and national organizations representing educators {e.g., International Reading Association (IRA), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)}
Content standards for Grade 8 are arranged within the following domains and clusters: The Number System Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers. Expressions and Equations Work with radicals and integer exponents. Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations. Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations. Functions Define, evaluate, and compare functions. Use functions to model relationships between quantities. Geometry Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. Solve real‐world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones and spheres. Statistics and Probability Investigate patterns of association in bivariate data.
Unit: To ol s fo r Al ge br a Po sit iv e an d N eg at iv e R at io na l N u m be rs Eq ua ti on s D at a A na ly sis an d Pr ob ab ili ty Ex pl or at io ns in G eo m et ry Fu n wi th Pr ob le m So lvi ng 8 th Grade Units: Unit 1: Transformations, Congruence and Similarity Unit 2: Exponents Unit 3: Geometric Applications of Exponents Unit 4: Functions Unit 5: Linear Functions Unit 6: Linear Models and Tables Unit 7: Solving Systems of Equations
Daily Deal Students have homework EVERY night! ALL work must be shown on assignments Homework may be turned in late, but points may be deducted. The MATHia Module must be completed for each unit. Math teachers are available before and after school for help, and Trojan University is available.
Our New Curriculum is from Carnegie Learning This curriculum has four volumes. We will be tearing out one unit at a time, and placing it in a three ring binder. Carnegie Resource Center - Login Page **If a page is lost or misplaced, it can be printed from this site.
Worked Examples
Analysis of Correct and Incorrect Solutions
Who’s Correct?
Student Supports… in the Text Materials Embedded Instructional Strategies (worked examples, peer analysis, graphic organizers) Chapter Summaries with Worked-Out Problems Academic Glossary Answers to Odd Problems of Skills Practice – Back of Book – Resource Center Student Access to the Resource Center
Parent Supports Embedded Instructional Strategies (worked examples, peer analysis, graphic organizers) Chapter Summaries with Worked-Out Problems Academic Glossary Student /Parent Access to the Resource Center – Online Help with MATHia – Online Access to Text Materials Skills Practice Books – Available on the Resource Center – Answers to Odd Problems of Skills Practice on Resource Center Access to Help Desk
What else can you do as a parent? Talk with your child! – Ask about the specific mathematics they are learning in the classroom and lab. Give me an example of what you did today. Did anyone solve it in a different way from you? I understand you don’t want to write in math class, but I have to write things all the time in my job/business/organization/life. We don’t get to separate these things in life. – Talk with teachers about the quality of the work your student is completing. Celebrate hard work! – It’s not just about making an A – celebrate perseverance and effort! – Be aware of the progress your student is making and celebrate with them. – Remind them they can get better in math with practice – just like we get better at anything else with practice! Promote the importance of understanding math – not just doing it!
MATHia This is the online software that mirrors the text covered in class. Teachers can track objectives mastered for every student individually with this software. This can be accessed from any computer, but Adobe flash and Java 7 are required. Suggested browsers are Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Mathia Video
Additional Online Resources for Parents
Teacher Web Pages