Eliminating Material Differences Robert Darragh U.S. Department of Agriculture
In FY 2006 USDA Traded With Out of 80 Trading Partner Codes
Intragovernmental Impact Treasury –USDA needs to improve Accruals –Real differences are zero. We need to work with our partners to correct G/L accounts USDA uses web application to match RC General Fund not part of Material Difference OPM includes nonUSDA entities Other - most trading partners
Separating the Significant Few From the Trivial Many in the FY 2006 Other (2%)
Intragovernmental Impact AID - Usually deals with USDA/CCC, CCC is coordinating with AID DOI - Usually deals with Forest Service, RD and RMA. Meeting with DOI to establish better communication between USDA and DOI GSA - Mostly rents, usually not a problem DOL - Mostly FECA, not a problem DHS - USDA/APHIS is largest provider/receiver hasn’t been a problem DOT - Confusion caused by Transit Subsidy – numerous DOT agencies Other - Trivial many, trading partners identified on the two pie charts account for 99% of USDA’s intragovernmental business
Impediments to Reconciliation Unable to identify trading partner’s bureau Agreements not containing elements required by business rules Unable to identify correct contact Eliminate the duplicate trading partner code Advances or expenses?
We Need FMS to identify the significant few departments that make up the bulk of all intragovernmental business then ensure these departments are simultaneously recording transactions before the period closes, thus eliminating material differences AND THE NEED TO RECONCILE
Discussion What part of your business is USDA? How can we develop closer relationships between our trading partners that are most likely to be on the Material Differences Report? Will we have access to others data when we use the Discoverer Viewer in GFRS?