WP9: Users & Usability Kristina “Kia” Höök & others! Plenary meeting, 4th of June, Paris
2 humaine wp9: Users & Usability WP9: The area Usability traditionally focuses on goals such as effectiveness, efficiency, safety, utility, learnability, and memorability Affective interaction focus on user experience goals – subjective qualities such as being fun, rewarding, motivating, satisfying, enjoyable, and helpful How do we design for user experiences – and make sure that it works?
3 humaine wp9: Users & Usability WP9: Through user-centred design methods Fantastic product! Design Interpretation Design study In the Wild! Brainstorming Persona Bodystorming Early testing: staged lived experiences Wizard of Oz Cultural probes Technical probes Tiny fingers Think aloud Ethnography In Situ Informants Sensual Evaluation Instrument Bio-feedback
4 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: WoZ-environment SEI In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
5 humaine wp9: Users & Usability WoZ tool for ECAs User’s view Wizard’s view
6 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: WoZ-environment SEI In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
7 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Sensual Evaluation Instrument (SEI)
8 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: WoZ-environment SEI In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
9 humaine wp9: Users & Usability In Situ Informants: in search of ecological validity in the wild
10 humaine wp9: Users & Usability In Situ Informants: results Support the fragile communication rhythm that friendships require – memories of the past, sharing the present and planning for the future Emotions are not singular state that exist within one person alone, but permeates the total situation, changing and drifting as a process between the two friends communicating Gained insights into the physical, sensual aspects of emotional communication and caused reflections In situ informants method required involving study participants in the interpretation of the data and establishing a close connection with spectators
11 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: SEI WoZ-environment In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
12 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Creating avatars: insights from think aloud Asimina VasalouTanja Bänziger
13 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Results Users moved across a conceptual space anchored in real life on one end and in fantasy on the other Fantasy was used most of the time to reflect real life occurrences
14 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Think aloud as evaluation methods Do users who “think aloud” give off expressive data that can be recognised by others? First impressions: positive! But sometimes users show positive expressions while experiencing negative events (e.g. irony) Aim: to produce a checklist of methodological issues that practitioners can consult to make better experience assessments
15 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: SEI WoZ-environment In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
16 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow To remember the past is not only meaningful in order to create and maintain your personal identity, but it can also in itself be a very pleasurable activity. [..] To keep the past registered can contribute to quality of life. It frees us from being enslaved by the present and makes it possible for our minds to visit the past. It makes it possible to choose and in our memory keep events that have been particularly pleasant and meaningful and thereby “create” a past that helps us to deal with the future.
17 humaine wp9: Users & Usability … demo!
18 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Example: Affective Diary Meaning-making, reflection and change ”[pointing at the first slightly red character] And then I become like this, here I am kind of, I am kind of both happy and sad in some way and something like that. I like him and then it is so sad that we see each other so little. And then I cannot really show it.”
19 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Affective Diary: Methods used Cultural probes (Gaver et al) Staged lived experiences with sensors and feedback (Iaccucci et al) Iterations of design sketching, user testing and re-design Evaluation in the wild!
20 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: SEI WoZ-environment In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
21 humaine wp9: Users & Usability I-Shadows
22 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements New methods: SEI WoZ-environment In Situ Informants User studies: In Situ Informants Think aloud Design work: Affective Diary I-shadows eMoto …
23 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Key achievements Special issue of IJHCS on Evaluating Affective Interfaces, vol 65, issue 4, April submissions – 10 accepted papers Span from cultural-constructivist accounts to biological/physical accounts Workshops: one at CHI 2005 one in Stockholm January 2006
24 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Issues Clash between different views: User-centred, design-oriented perspective Scientific, evaluation-oriented, theoretically-driven perspective Also different views on emotion in interaction: Interact, integrate with overall system purpose, emotion as a co-constructed, co-interpreted phenomenon – interactional view Infer, diagnose, communicate, react – informational view
25 humaine wp9: Users & Usability Appeal for 2010! Let us start building applications!