Wall Customized Professional Development TIE Conference 2015
Mass Customized Learning
Mass Customized Learning Industrial Age Schools Students Can learn Specific Subjects In Specific Classrooms On a Specific Schedule In a Specific Way From a Specific Teacher Information Age Schools Anyone can learn Anything from Anywhere at Anytime in Anyway from World Wide Experts
1.Self-Assessment 2.Goal Setting 3.Action Planning 4.Carrying Out the Plan 5.Reflection and Closure 6.Sharing Results Customizing Professional Development
Staff in-serviced on Danielson Framework for teaching. 2.Staff selected 7 components to focus on for the school year. Timeline
1.2a – Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2.2b – Establishing a Culture for Learning 3.2c – Managing Classroom Procedures 4.3a – Communicating with Students 5.3c – Engaging Students in Learning 6.4c – Communicating with Families Chosen Components
August Danielson Review, Self-Assessment Goal Development OctoberGoal Setting Action Planning Plan Approval April Reflection and Closure Presentations Year One of Personalized PD
1.Related to contracted assignment (classroom), but above expected duties. 2.Something important to the teacher. 3.Can be considered a project or action research. 4.Progress can be documented. Goal Setting
Two Goals Instructional Goal One goal tied to one or more of the components (2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3c, 4c) to improve instruction Exploratory Goal One goal tied to the individual’s interest in research-based educational innovation
Sample Goals Instructional Goal I will evaluate the complexity of the questions used in our reading curriculum and identify the Bloom’s/Webb’s level. I will then adjust the wording and/or add questions to ensure that the level of questions increases throughout the school year and is at the highest level in the last two themes. Exploratory Goal Investigate methods of implementing results from the STAR Early Literacy and/or Math assessment tests in order to target areas of deficiency in individual students.
Presentation 5-10 minutes using any format they choose. LiveBinders Accountability
5-10 Minute presentation addressing the following questions: To what extent did you achieve your goal? Did you find it necessary to modify your goal as you learned more about it? In what ways were your colleagues helpful to you in working toward your goal? Do you intend to keep working on this goal next year? Why/Why not? Celebrate Professional Learning
August Danielson Review, Self-Assessment Goal Development (could be and extension of previous year’s goals) OctoberGoal Setting Action Planning Plan Approval MarchReflection and Closure Presentations Year Two
Samra Trask HS Math
Jeanine Sykora Music/Title I
How well did you understand the purpose of the customized PD process?
Estimate the time you spent on your own customized PD plan.
What was the most challenging part of the process? Determining Goals Finding Time Technology Time (implementing learning, documenting progress, accomplishing goals)
What was the most beneficial part of customized PD? Having a Choice It was useful Focus on improving my teaching Able to focus on my interests
In what ways can this experience transfer to your students? Allow more student choice More self-paced projects Allow more student choice
Summary of Two Years of Personalized PD Where will we go?