A Brief History of Sociology Guys and Ideas (and Two Women)
In the Beginning
Auguste Comte The “Father of Sociology” French philosopher Dynamics – processes by which societies change Statics – processes by which societies endure ( )
Herbert Spencer Englishman Living organism with interdependent parts “Survival of the fittest” Society will take care of itself
Three Influential Voices
Karl Marx German political philosopher and economist Social conflict (esp. class conflict) mark all societies Bourgeoisie – capitalists Proletariat – workers Economics play a larger role in determining a person’s sociological views People have to act to change their societies
Emile Durkheim French philosopher and sociologist Systematically applied scientific methods Only direct observation is valid; not people’s subjective experiences ( )
Max Weber German political economist and sociologist Must consider people’s interpretations of events Verstehen – empathetic understanding
One Influential Group
University of Chicago First official “Department of Sociology” at a major research university to offer a Ph.D. in 1892 American Journal of Sociology American Sociological Association Tradition of “Chicago sociology” –Varieties of urban life –Street gangs –Immigrants –Labor conflicts/issues –Urban “underclass”
Jane Addams Preeminent founder of sociology in America Started the Hull House Technique of “mapping” Organizing communities and lobbying political leaders Nobel Peace Prize in
Sociology Becomes a Science 1920 – 1960 Golden Age of Sociology in America
Talcott Parsons Harvard University “General Theory of Social Action” -- universal laws govern social systems Integrating disciplines
Robert Merton Columbia University Knowledge and ideas are rooted in society Sociology based on empirical research
Sociology Goes Global s
Pierre Bourdieu French sociologist Habitus – social ways of acting that become taken for granted as part of everyday life Reproduction Theory
Dorothy Smith Canadian Feminist pioneer Critic of the systematic ignorance of the unique position of women in social life
Michel Foucault French social historian A founder of queer theory Power-knowledge Investigated dynamics of power and subjugation
Paulo Freire Brazilian educator Pedagogy of the Oppressed Hidden curriculum Banking model of education Praxis