Functionalists Early Sociologists: Durkheim, Comte, & Spencer View society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system Consensus holds society together Topics: functions that family or ed. Serve in society; dysfunctional, manifest or latent functions
Auguste Comte “the Father of Sociology” Argued that societies contained forces – Social statics-for stability and cooperation –Social dynamics-for change and conflict -Used scientific observation -Positivism-sociology should be based on knowledge of which we are positive -society can be improved by studying its problems I’ve got my eye on you!!
Herbert Spencer -pioneered the theory of Social Darwinism (evolutionary social change led to progress provided people did not interfere (survival of the fittest) -compared society to human body composed of parts working together to promote well being and survival We should not interfere; no social reform
Emile Durkheim Focused on the forces that held society together -Believed society exists because of broad consensus among its members -Believed that sociologists should only study observable facts of society -Durkheim was the first to carry out large scale analysis of social statistics -Like Spencer saw society as a set of interchangeable parts suici
Conflict Marx Competition over scarce resources is the basis for social conflict Conflict leads to change Topics of interest: forces that promote competition and change; who possesses power and exercises over those with less; decision making in family; relationships among racial groups; coworker employer disputes
Karl Marx economist and political philosopher -angered by the brutal treatment of workers during the Industrial Revolution -Combined roles of social observer and social activist -All societies are shaped by struggle between the bourgeoisie (those who owned the means of production) and proletariat (laborers)
Interactionist ( Max Weber) Focus on individual Attempts to understand meanings individual attach to their actions Deduce essential characteristics of features of society Topics of interest: Child development, mate selection, symbols
Max Weber pronounced Va- bur -Human beings act on the basis of their understanding of a situation -sociologists must discover Verstehen (pronounces ver-shtay-en)- the personal meanings, values, beliefs and attitudes that underlie human behavior -Rationalization-mindset that emphasizes the use of knowledge, reasoning and planning Ideal types-