Naturalism Theories Lesson Outcomes: GRADE D: I GRADE D: I will know what ethical naturalism is and the arguments for and against it. GRADE C: GRADE C: I will be able to analyse the weaknesses and strengths of ethical naturalism. GRADE B:I GRADE B:I will be able to evaluate the arguments supporting and opposing ethical naturalism and justify my own argument. 19 February February February 2016 STARTER TASK: create a diagram showing the different types of ethical approaches, and how they can be categorised together.
REVIEW: Come up and show the class your diagram
EthicsNormativeDeontologicalKant Divine Command & Natural moral law Virtue TheoryTeleologicalUtilitarianismSituation EthicsDescriptiveMeta-ethics
Intro to Naturalism Read your explanation of Ethical Naturalism and then write a short paragraph summarising ethical naturalism. Which ethical theory can you identify which links closely with naturalism? BRADLEY: Is the most famous Ethical Naturalist. What does he believe?
Background The philosopher David Hume was an empiricist: he argued that things can only be ‘real’ or ‘meaningful’ if they can be verified or proved by our five senses. e.g.: I know oranges exist because I have seen, smelt, touched and tasted them
Ethical Naturalism A branch of ethics called Ethical Naturalism developed from empiricism and the ideas of David Hume. These ethicists argued that we observe the world around us and create moral theories to fit our observations.
What are the principles behind ethical naturalism? See Bradley Statements don’t have to be verified? Ethical statements same as non ethical statements? Don’t need to know our duties? Morality defined by fact? Absolute? In favour of hedonism? Pursue self realisation? Use non ethical evidence? Don’t use Maths & Science? Define ethics in same way as define Science?
Arguments for & against For a)Absolute b)Promotes duties c)Against hedonism d)Determines your status e)Ethics defined by evidence Against a)Are science & Maths the same as ethics? b)Can you link morals to science? c)Absolute d)Can you define ethics use non ethical language?
Evaluation of Naturalism Is-Ought Gap Many opponents of the naturalist position argue that we cannot make the leap between a FACT (is) and a MORAL JUDGEMENT (ought). Naturalists commit the Naturalistic Fallacy Is this really ethics? Is this form of naturalism what we would call ‘ethics’ or is it sociology, or psychology?
Naturalism Theories Lesson Outcomes: GRADE D: I GRADE D: I will know what ethical naturalism is and the arguments for and against it. GRADE C: GRADE C: I will be able to analyse the weaknesses and strengths of ethical naturalism. GRADE B:I GRADE B:I will be able to evaluate the arguments supporting and opposing ethical naturalism and justify my own argument. 19 February February February 2016 REVIEW TASK: Complete the review sheet