Leading Leicestershire and Rutland to become the healthiest place in the UK Public Consultation on the Uppingham Surgery proposed closure of Gretton Branch Surgery
Process Uppingham Surgery has submitted proposal to NHSLCR for consideration. NHSLCR Primary Care Panel considered proposal and deemed that public consultation needs to take place before a decision could be made. All patients who regularly use Gretton have received a letter and questionnaire. Revised letter and questionnaire to be sent 1 st September September Rutland Overview and Scrutiny Committee to comment on proposal and consultation process.
Leading Leicestershire and Rutland to become the healthiest place in the UK Gretton The population of Gretton is 1240 (2001 census ONS mid-2007). Uppingham surgery has 668 of its registered patients who live in Gretton and surrounding villages and 509 registered patients use the Gretton branch surgery. Gretton surgery is open 3 sessions per week – 2 doctor sessions, and 1 nurse session - a total of 8 hours. The surgery also dispenses medicines to registered dispensing patients at the branch surgery. Patients from Gretton and surrounding villages already use Uppingham Surgery for some services.
Leading Leicestershire and Rutland to become the healthiest place in the UK The surgery is in a purpose built premises which is rented from Corby District Council. The surgery needs some minor improvements. Elements of risk in terms of chaperoning and medical emergencies. Gretton
Uppingham Surgery Offers: Same day clinic every day for all registered patients. This service is not generally available at Gretton because of the restricted opening times. Access to a variety of healthcare professionals and specialist equipment.
What will change if Gretton surgery is closed? Resources that are used at Gretton can be redirected to the practice’s other facilities where all patients can be cared for in a modern up to date surgery with a variety of treatment rooms. More appointments could be available in Uppingham for all the surgery’s patients. Gretton patients would then have access to an increased number of appointments Uppingham Surgery would continue to provide home visiting time for patients based on clinical need. Organise a delivery service for repeat prescriptions for dispensing patients who have difficulties collecting their medicines from Uppingham Surgery or Barrowden.
Process Consultation to run from 1 st September – 24 th November December 2010, consultation results will be looked at by an analysis panel made up of NHSLCR, Uppingham Surgery, Patient Participation Group and Rutland LINks. Proposal and results from analysis panel to be considered by Primary Care Panel in January If decision to allow branch closure, notice will be given and closure date announced.
Your Views It is important that your views are taken into consideration by NHS LCR and the practice. A questionnaire is available in hard copy or will soon be available to complete on line. The questionnaire contains statutory questions.
Website addresses Consultationsandquestionnaires.aspxhttp:// Consultationsandquestionnaires.aspx Practice Contacts; –Dr J Jones, Senior Partner –Kathryn Green, Chair of Patient Participation Group
Over to you Questions and comments