Improving the Use of TracDat for SLO Data Entry SLOAC sponsored Flex workshop January 7, 2014
Hierarchy & Relationship of Outcomes Institution Mission & ISLOs IS PSLOs IS CSLOs SS AUOs SS SSLOs & SAOs BAS AUOs BAS Objectives Office of the President
1. Develop/Refine CSLOs or PSLOs: 2. Develop assessment methods, benchmarks of achievement, evaluation methods 3. Assess and Evaluate SLOs 4. Invested faculty Collect, Discuss, & Analyze Data 5. Determine Refinements Needed. Develop action plans intended to improve student success 6. Implement refinements &/or action plans. Report results in Annual Program Review
Developing or revising your SLOs: 1. Locate the GE or CTE learning outcomes that are most highly rated in your program. *ADM=Assessment Documentation Matrix – available on share drive (SLO folder)
Next steps 2. Create a SLO for each GELO/CTELO that is rated 4 or 5 (maybe even a 3). 3. Design assessment 4. Administer the assessment (formative or summative) 5. Evaluate the assessment w/ rubric 6. Record results in TracDat 7. Reflect on results –develop recommendations &/or action plan 8. Implement action plan 9. Re-assess to determine success 10. Enter follow-up information into TracDat
Develop a Recording Grid to use as a comprehensive document that may be stored in TracDat
Using TracDat to enter Results and Generate Reports Results fields were updated in summer of 2013; older entries will show those new fields as being blank. Most fields are simple entry with drop down menus; exceptions: Process, Results, Reflection
New TracDat fields The single “Process & Results” field has been broken into 3 fields
Storing documents When entering Results for Courses or Program SLOs, use the “Related Documents” tab at the bottom of the screen
Running Course & ProgramReports : Program reports are only available if you have CoA or degree. If so, you also see core courses taught by other depts. You may request access to their reports through the Dept. Chair.
Discussion What can you do to improve Program success? – Dialogue with faculty in and outside of your department; – Review the Liberal Arts PSLO reports and incorporate relevant results into your report. How to use reports for Program Review Changing your SLOs? New fields in TracDat?
Links Submitting SLOs to SLOAC: SLO website resources: /slo/index.html