Test Delivery System (TDS) & Online Reporting System (ORS) for ELPA21 Online Testing Training Webinar Copyright © 2014 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.
After viewing this presentation, you should be able to: Use the TA Interface to start and run a test session View student test settings and accessibility resources Monitor the testing process Pause and stop a test session Print test session information Exit and log out of the TA Interface Navigate the Online Reporting System View participation reports Objectives 2
What Is the Secure Browser? The secure browser is designed to ensure test security by prohibiting students from accessing any other programs or websites during testing. If you have questions about the secure browser, contact your Technology Coordinator. 3
TA Interface: Overview 4
TA Interface: Overview (continued) 5
Create a Test Session 6
Student Lookup 7
Student Login 8
Login Errors IssueError MessageWhat to Do Student first name and SSID do not match what is in the system, or student omits 2- letter state abbreviation and/or hyphen from SSID. Please check that your information is entered correctly. If you need help, ask your TA. Verify that the student has entered the correct first name and SSID, including the state abbreviation and hyphen, if required. You may need to use the Student Lookup Tool, which is located in the TA Interface, to verify that the student is in the system. Student enters the session ID incorrectly. The session is not available for testing. Verify that the student has entered the correct Session ID with no extra spaces or characters. Student enters an SSID for an incorrect or expired session. Session has expired.Ensure that the student enters the correct Session ID for the current session. If this does not work, verify that your session is open using the TA interface. 9
Student Login and Test Selection 10
Student Login and Test Selection 11
Login Confirmation 12
Sound Check 13
Microphone Check 14
Approving Student Entry 15
Deny entry to a test session in these circumstances: The student is not supposed to enter this session. The student’s demographic information is incorrect. The student’s required accommodations are incorrect. Denying Student Entry 16
Universal tools Designated supports Accommodations Accessibility Resources 17
Four Segments Listening Reading Writing Speaking TA approval is required for beginning the test and the Speaking segment. Navigating Through the Test 18
Test Items: Example of an Interactive Item 19
Item Tutorial 20
Pausing a Test If the test is paused for more than 20 minutes, students can review or change answers to any question in the current section, including previous pages. Students cannot go back to previous sections. Test Timeout Due to Inactivity As a security measure, after 20 minutes of test inactivity, students are logged out and their tests are paused automatically. Inactivity is determined by whether the student is interacting with the test by selecting answers or using navigation tools. Students will receive a warning message prior to being logged out and must click [OK] on the pop-up within 30 seconds in order to avoid automatic logout and pausing of their test. Pause and Test Timeout 21
Test End 22
Test End 23
Monitoring Student Status 24
Print on Request 25
TA Interface: Approved Requests 26
Printing Test Session Information 27
Pausing and Stopping Sessions 28
Logging Out of the TA Interface 29
DescriptionWhat to Do What should I do if a session ends?Log in and start a new session. Provide the students with a new session ID. What should I do if a student gets logged out of a test while a session is still active? If a student’s test session is interrupted, the student should log back in and rejoin the session. What should I do if forbidden applications are running? The secure browser will not allow the student to begin testing if forbidden applications are running. You will see messages advising you which applications must be closed before testing can begin. What should I do if a student’s test freezes? Force quit the secure browser and log back in. For instructions, refer to the Test Administration Manual. Troubleshooting 30
Preparing Students 31
Online Reporting System Copyright © 2014 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved. Training Module
Provide timely, relevant reports and guide educators to make valid, actionable interpretations of the data Provide access to data Downloadable data files for districts, schools, and teachers Results for assessments in one system Participation data Interactive data Purpose 33
Logging In
Plan and Manage Testing Test Completion Rates Test Status Report Test Management Center 35
Test Management Center: Plan and Manage Testing 36
Test Management Center: Plan and Manage Testing 37 Which students have not yet tested? Which students have started but not yet completed their test? Which students need to finish tests that are going to expire soon? Which students have paused tests?
Test Management Center: Plan and Manage Testing 38
Test Management Center: Test Completion Rates 39
Test Management Center: Test Status Report 40
Upcoming ELPA21 DEI Webinar 41 Students taking the test in Large Print will have their booklets transcribed in the Data Entry Interface (DEI) for scoring. A training webinar will be presented to provide an overview of this system. The date and time are TBD.
Thank You! 42 Further Information Washington Help Desk American Institutes for Research Tel For questions regarding state policy decisions and protocol, please contact OSPI at