Writing Traits and the Writing Process
Writing Process Prewriting Drafting Sharing Revising Editing Finishing/ Publishing Writing Traits Ideal Organization Voice Sentence Fluency Word Fluency Conventions
Teach Them Together Prewriting: Ideas, Organization, Voice Drafting: Ideas, Organization, Sentence Fluency Sharing: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency Revising: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency Editing: Conventions Finishing/Publishing: Presentation
Prewriting Ideas—Brainstorm ideas and details. Organization—Use a graphic organizer. Voice—Determine the audience.
Drafting Ideas and Organization—Use the information on the graphic organizer to develop the writing piece. Sentence Fluency—Use a variety of sentences structures to help the piece flow.
Sharing Sharing the piece with someone else can help the writer get feedback in order to improve the use of the six writing traits.
Revising Now it is time for you to look at your piece again. Think about the suggestions you got when you shared your writing. Maybe you have your OWN ideas for changes. Make the changes you want on your draft.
Editing Conventions: Do I have every word spelled correctly? Did I put the correct punctuation in the right place? Did I use the write form of the verb, the right homonym? Did I use capital letters in the right place?
Finishing/Publishing How should I present my piece to the readers? How do I want my final copy to look?
Everything you see written on paper started as someone’s idea. If they followed this process it probably turned into a piece of writing that informs, entertains, or persuades.