Wimbledon Community Forum 29 th April 2009 Personalisation in Merton Hilary Di Salvo and Heather Begg
What is personalisation? Is about giving people choice and control over their lives Irrespective of whether ‘self funded’ or publicly funded Better access to information, advice and universal services
What is personalisation? Begins with the person, not the service Recognises a person’s strengths, preferences, networks of support, etc Acknowledges that an individual is best placed to make decisions about their life
Where has personalisation come from? Social work values Community care reforms in early 1990’s Government policy for public service reform Putting People First concordat
What is Putting People First? Four key aspects: Access to information and advice Access to early intervention and prevention Access to universal services e.g. lesiure, transport Choice and control
What is ‘choice and control’? Self assessment Resource Allocation System (RAS) Personal budget Support planning
What are we doing? Have until April 2011 to make changes Will be a gradual process Looking at internal systems and processes Pilots of self assessment and personal budgets Looking at how we involve NHS, voluntary sector, providers, service users and carers
Any questions?