Florida NBCTs: Moving Forward Advocating for Partnerships, Programs, and the Profession Through National Board Certification
The Problem Limited budget Legislators who don’t know the benefits of NBCTs or National Board Certification NBCTs who don’t have avenues for advocacy
The Solution NBCTs Data: anecdotal and quantitative A clear plan A focus on the future
Legislative Agenda Dale Hickam Excellent Teaching Act language that will allow us to continue the program Fee support 10% pay to NBCTs who renew DOE rule-making authority
Policy Agenda Task Force on Mentoring to make recommendations that will be ready when the Florida economy improves
What can NBCTs do? Know your state senators and representatives. Meet with them to share the benefits of NBC, including student achievement and retention. Develop a plan for communication during the legislative session. Talk about National Board Certification with colleagues and the community. Be vigilant!
What’s Available to Help You NRC Report Retention Data NBCTLink AdvocacyLink Staff Advocacy Training
What Else Do You Need? Comments Questions
The Goal: Improving Student Learning How do we ensure that every student has access to accomplished teachers? What exists in your school to attract NBCTs to high-needs schools? What would it take to get more NBCTs into those schools?
NBCTs A Force for Change in Florida For students For colleagues For the community