WHAT ARE COLLEGES LOOKING FOR? WHAT ARE THE FACTORS? Grades in College Prep courses (84.3%) Strength of Curriculum – RIGOR of courses (67.7%) SAT scores/ ACT scores (59.2%) Cumulative Grade Point Average: GPA (51.9%) Essay or Writing Example (24.9%) Demonstrated Interest (20.5%) this is rising Recommendations (19.2%-16.5%) Class Rank (18.8%) Subject Test Scores: AP (6.9%) Portfolio: depending on major (6.6%) Interviews (6.2%) SAT II Scores (5.4%) Activity involvement/Awards- Quality over Quantity ( %)
LOG INTO INFINITE CAMPUS Click on “Quick Links” – TOP RIGHT OF THE SCREEN Choose “Infinite Campus – Students” Log In FOR EVERYONE is: User name = student number PW = first initial last initial DOB in xx/xx/xx format Example: Student Name = Elvis Presley, Birthday = January 8, 1935 Ep Course Registration to add requests
HIGHLANDS GUIDANCE WEBSITE Highlands High School Quick Links Guidance Department SCHEDULING FORMS Planning Sheets – choose the sheet for your next year Electives Course Catalog
AREAS OF NOTE AP Early Bird – mark on Planning Sheet and HANDWRITE change on IC printed sheet New courses in “Engineering & Technology Education” Dual Credit – opportunity to earn college credits in high school Usually about $ 3-8 credits earned depending on the course Anatomy & Physiology requires evening lab AP Research – juniors & seniors Music Appreciation & Astronomy in Music Theory & Forensics in Watch for teacher signatures that are needed
HOW TO ADD INTO INFINITE CAMPUS Click on “Course Registration ” Click on “Course Search” Type in 2-3 letters ONLY of the course you are looking for in Course Name Click on the class you’re looking for Choose “Request this Course” OR “Request as an Alternate” You should have a total of 6 (or 7 periods) between Recommended Courses and Requested Courses. You should have 2-4 Alternate Courses
FINISHING UP & PRINTING MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENGLISH CLASS – all grades MATH CLASS – all grades SOCIAL STUDIES – all grades SCIENCE – sophomores & juniors 2-4 electives depending if you choose Early Bird 3-4 ALTERNATES that you want to take! Put them in the order you want them on your PLANNING SHEET. When looking for courses on IC, TYPE IN ONLY A FEW LETTERS OF THE COURSE. Sometimes the way it’s on your sheet and in the computer is different. 2 SIDED PRINTING Side #1 Schedule Planning Sheet Enter recommendations from IC into Planning Sheet Enter electives and changes into Planning Sheet Enter alternates into Planning Sheet Enter alternates in the order that you would want us to choose them. Side #2 Infinite Campus Course Requests Use the “Print Request Summary” link If you are making changes mark out what you don’t want and draw an arrow to the correct course PARENT SIGNATURE NEEDED TEACHER SIGNATURES FOR SOME CLASSES NEEDED DUE TO HOMEROOM TEACHER BY FEB. 5