Impromptu Speaking Preparation 1.Predict when you may be called upon to speak. 2.Keep up with developments in your fireld. 3.Have a few good stories and remarks ready.
Guides Content Organization Delivery
Content Present a definite viewpoint early in your speech. e.g. The opposition’s recommendation should not be approved. I just can’t agree with … We’re overlooking one key issue… Support your viewpoint with reasons and logic
Content Present at least some specific data Tie in with what has been said or possibly will be said Don’t Apologize Don’t express Surprise Don’t ramble on abut the subject Don’t get off the subject
Organizaion The Brief Key: PAST PRESENT FUTURE
PAST After a brief attention-getter and a statement of your subject or viewpoint, begin your speech with a brief consideration of past events related your subject.
PRESENT State the present condition of your subject, how things are at the moment. (Status quo)
FUTURE Present the possibilities for the coming days, weeks, months, or years regarding your subject.
THE BASIC FORMAT I. INTRODUCTION A. Attention-getter B. Preview II. DISCUSSION A. Main points B. Arrange logically C. Support with data III. CONCLUSION A. Review B. Memorable statement
DELIVERY Accept the Invitation with Assurance Take Your Time Sit Down When You Are Finished
11 MORE TECHNIQUES 1. Step up to speak with confidence. 2. Maintain contact with your audience. 3. Avoid ah, so, ya know, well, Okay, etc. 4. Stop at the end of an idea; don’t hook sentences together with and, and uh, etc. 5. Maintain good posture; don’t lean on the lectern, cross your legs, etc. 6. Speak loudly enough to be heard easily.
7. Gesture effectively. 8. Appear to enjoy speaking. 9. Speak with enthusiasm. 10. Appear confident and relaxed. 11. Hide your goofs.
Impromptu Speech Subjects 1. What are your views of multiculturalism? 2. What do you think about interracial adoption? 3. How might human rights be more effectively assured? 4. What are your views about working mothers?
Subjects 5. How might the gender gap be narrowed? 6. How has the growing prominence of cable TV impacted your viewing? 7. What, if any, laws should we have concerning immigration? 8. Has the Internet changed your life? How? 9. What do you think of TV ratings? 10. Should marijuana be legalized?
Subjects 11. Should the Department of Education be eliminated? 12. If you could have one other talent, what would it be? 13. Describe your ideal mate. 14. Describe your favorite actor or actress. 15. Would you like to be super famous? Why, or why not?