21-3 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor See diagram 21-9 p 627 If a uniform B is coming out of the page, and a U- shaped conductor is in the plane of the page, with a movable rod resting on it….it travels a distance D x=v D t it a time t so that the area of the ‘loop’ increases at an amount D A=l D x = lv D t …then there is an emf produced … e = f B / D t = B D A/ D t =Blv D t / D t =Blv …this is valid for the perpendicular components of B, l, and v See Example 21-4 page 628
21-4 Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric Field E=F/q= qvB/q=vB A changing magnetic flux produces an electric field. This applies to wires and conductors, but also to space where there is a changing magnetic field See Example 21-5 p 628
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