The Life of Jesus (43) Did Jesus Arise from the Dead?
Last lesson – the accounts The resurrection is foundational It sets us apart Can we defend it?
The Eyewitnesses It was hard to accept then Jesus told them often He would die and be resurrected (more than a dozen times)
The Eyewitnesses Natural reaction – skeptics Mary Magdalene – Jn. 20:14-16 Thomas – Jn. 20:24-25 Road to Emmaus - Lk. 24:20-24 When they finally saw, they boldly believed
The Eyewitnesses 1 Cor. 15:1-9 Paul – an enemy who turned to proclaimer Acts 26:9-11 James, brother of Jesus - Jn. 7:5, Ac. 1:14, Gal. 1:19 They interacted with Him – Ac. 10:41
Their Conduct Transformed lives Prior we read of fear, doubt, abandonment, sorrow, etc. Cf. John 20:19 After the resurrection - boldness and rejoicing Lk. 24:52-53, Ac. 5:29-32,
Their Conduct Moral standards They lived with a high moral standard of purity that implies accountability. Not self-serving and compromising – cf. Jewish establishment, Ephesus, Roman idolatry
Their Conduct Their sacrifices Consider what they gave up – houses, families, jobs, comforts, wealth, etc. They suffered, some to the point of death ( cf. Acts 12:1-2, etc. ). History records what they endured. WHY? They believed in something!
The Logical Conclusion: Jesus DID arise
Muhammad’s tomb – occupied! Buddha’s tomb – occupied! Confucius’ tomb – occupied! Jesus tomb – EMPTY! Where is your hope?