Aperture and Shutter Speed
Definitions of Shutter Speed Shutter speeds are measured in seconds and fractions of a second and so the doubling and halving is fairly self-evident. One quarter second is half as long as one-half second but is twice as long as one-eighth. One second is twice as long as half a second and half as long as 2 seconds. It's pretty easy, and this works through the whole sequence of shutter speeds. On most cameras, the shutter speed sequence looks like this: 8 seconds 4 seconds 2 seconds 1 second 1/2 second 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500 1/1000 Each of these settings is clearly half/double the length of time of its immediate neighbors (OK, I know, 1/15th isn't exactly half the time of 1/8th and 1/125th isn't exactly half the time of 1/60th, but it's close).
5/lesson-5-shutter-speed/ 5/lesson-5-shutter-speed/
Frozen Motion Your objective is to capture an object or person in the act of moving, without any blur.
Blurred Motion Your objective is to capture an object or person in the act of moving, with blur.
Assignment: Create a page on your wiki called “Learning the Camera” Shoot 3 examples of frozen motion and post them to your wiki page Shoot 3 examples of blurred motion and post them to your wiki page
Definitions of Aperture school.com/aperture school.com/aperture-101
Assignment Shoot a photograph three times using 3 different apertures (f3.5; f8, f22) Post the 3 pictures to your “Learning the Camera” page. Label the pictures with the aperture that they were shot with. Explain in a short paragraph the change that takes place in each photograph when you change the aperture.