Workshop 2B Reduce Sickness to Improve Productivity
Reduced Sickness Absence and Improved Productivity
Engage with all employees to help them feel valued Identify the causes of workplace stress and look at ways to increase employee resilience Know the support available to employers in making reasonable adjustments for their employees who have long-term health conditions or a disability Tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in the workplace through the time to change employer pledge Know about resources and opportunities employers might use to improve the wellbeing of their workforce Encourage employers and employees to think about their own wellbeing and what they can do to improve it
What is it is all about? “a workplace approach designed to ensure that employees are committed to their organisation’s goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well- being” Why should we be interested?
Visible, empowering leadership and a strong strategic narrative Engaging managers Organisational integrity Employee voice
More than half of employees are unhappy at work 69% say increasing levels of stress have been an issue for them in the last three years Anxiety and stress cost the UK economy £26 billion each year Sources: Mercer (2011), TUC (2008), MIND (2011)
“People are at their best when they feel good about themselves and what they’re doing”
Preventing and Reducing Stress at Work : Managing and communicating existing and future work Managing difficult situations Managing the individual within the team
Trust Positive relationships Progression (both individuals and the organisation) Meaning to what we do
Recruitment & Retention “Disability or Long-term Health Conditions ” Presented by: Dave Thompson MBE DL Founder & Chief Executive
“a disabled person is a person who has, or who has had in the past, a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities” Reference: Equality Act 2010
Physical – arthritis, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, motor neurone disease, stroke, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury. Sensory- blind or visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, speech. Learning disability – down’s syndrome, autism. Mental illness – clinical depression, schizophrenia.
11 million disabled adults in the UK Only 750,000 are wheelchair users 1.5 million disabled adults in North West 34,000 disabled adults in Warrington 83% of disabled people acquire their impairment during their working life Disabled people 3 times more likely to be unemployed 750,000 carers in North West 20,000 carers in Warrington 5.8 million unpaid carers 1.2 million for + 50 hours p/w
Are you and your staff Disability Confident? understanding disability or long-term health conditions and their effects language and terminology physical access Disability Equality Training
Access to Work: equipment needed at work adapting premises to meet needs travel and transport a support worker a communicator Staff training
Two Ticks symbol demonstrates a commitment to employing disabled people. One Tick symbol demonstrates commitment to employing staff who experience mental illness. Both relate to areas involving recruitment - retention policies and practices.
Promoting emotional wellbeing and challenging stigma in the workplace
1 in 6 British workers are affected by conditions like anxiety, depression and stress every year. This will be having a significant effect on your workplace and employees. But it can be improved. From
National anti-stigma campaign Challenges myths and misconceptions Aims to change attitudes and behaviour Extensive website with pages for employers Free resources can be ordered or downloaded
Indicates your commitment to tackling mental health stigma and discrimination in your workplace Sends a powerful message to your employees that you take their mental wellbeing seriously You’ll need an organisation-specific action plan, detailing how you’ll demonstrate your commitment Time to Change web pages provide a step by step guide step-by-step
Aims to o get people across England talking about mental health o challenge stigma and reduce discrimination Time to Change offers free Time to Talk workplace resources WBC’s Public Health Team is offering toolkits of resources for 4 February
A local campaign run by Five Borough’s partnership Focuses on language and stigma Organisations can become corporate partners Pages for employers with free downloads Employers' pack includes guidance on recruiting & supporting people with mental health problems at work k
The following sites have information about mental wellbeing at work for employers or employees:
Evidence based actions to promote wellbeing. From the government’s Foresight Project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing, 2008.
Developed in response to JSNA findings Has an online directory of local support services Includes a page for frontline workers, links to online tools A range of promotional materials Polish leaflet
Half day training, for workers who offer wellbeing support Evidence based, uses basic CBT techniques Focuses on wellbeing, not symptoms/diagnosis Opportunity for businesses to buy places on Connect 5 training Allocation of training places linked to PH target groups Attendees must be Warrington residents, or be able to pass on knowledge and skills they’ve learnt to Warrington residents To enquire, or book places:
Warrington Health Promotion Resource Centre provides health promotion materials and resources for loan as well as access to a large selection of leaflets covering various topics i.e. Alcohol, Smoking etc. The service is free of charge to anyone with a role in health promotion, and who works or lives within the Warrington Borough. All new users must complete a membership application form before accessing the service which can be downloaded from For further information please contact the Resource Service on or
Any questions?
Workshop Recommendations What would be quick wins to focus on next year? What challenges do you need support with?