With Ms. Colella
Meet the teacher! Education: B.S. in Elementary Education from Central Connecticut State University M.Ed. in Literacy Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Missouri-Columbia Ed. Specialist (6th year) in Educational Leadership/Principalship from Arkansas State University, pending Teaching Experience: Kindergarten in Watertown Public Schools, Kindergarten at Central Avenue School in Naugatuck, rd Grade at Central Avenue School in Naugatuck, rd Grade at Western Elementary School in Naugatuck 2010-present Current and past experiences include: -Western Lead Teacher ( ) -High School Drama Advisor ( ) -Cooperating teacher for student teachers (2010-) -After school literacy teacher grades 1, 3, 4 ( ) -Central Avenue School Theatre Club founder and director ( ) -Western School Theatre Club founder and director (2010-we're back!) -School website webmaster of Western School(2010-) -TEAM mentor (2010-) -School Improvement Team ( ) -Western School Data Team Leader ( )
-Packet sent home on Fridays so homework is done thoughtfully and not on a “night’s notice.” -Reading is a minimum of 20 minutes Monday through Thursday and one weekend day (either Friday or Saturday or Sunday) -Reading minutes will be checked daily, Monday through Friday -All homework should be done by and written by the student with minimal help - Tell teacher if homework was challenging.
-Students should read 20 minutes, minimum, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and either Friday/Saturday/Sunday. This totals 100 minutes per week. -Reading logs should be filled out every day and will be checked every morning we are in school. -Students will lose one ticket each night they do not read. -Students will earn a reading bead every week that they read all 100 minutes and will get to trade in for a special bead once they earn 3 pony beads. -Students will earn a free personal pizza at Pizza Hut through the Book It program, which starts in October, if they read all the minutes in a month! -Reading LogReading Log
Why are teachers SO obsessed with reading!?
Homework Schedule Due Mondays- Weekend reading log filled out and signed (20 minutes from either Friday, Saturday or Sunday) Due Tuesdays - Write incorrect spelling words 3 times each, reading log signed/20 minutes read Due Wednesdays- One activity from the Spelling Menu, Math, reading log signed/20 minutes read Due Thursdays- One activity from the Spelling Menu, Math, reading log signed/20 minutes read Due Fridays- Grammar, reading log signed/20 minutes read
-Each month every child gets a sheet of tickets. There is one ticket for each day of school that month. -Students should try to keep as many tickets as they can! They will use them for raffles, auctions and the monthly ticket party! -Tickets are a motivator for RESPONSIBILITY! -Students lose one ticket per homework assignment/reading not done, buying a copy of a paper they lost, forgetting something in their locker, forgetting to sign up for lunch, and other things that are deemed to be the responsibility of the student. -It is NORMAL and it is OKAY if students lose a couple of tickets each month. When more than 5 tickets are lost in a month students should reevaluate their responsibility.
-Students are each given a virtual DoJo monster character. -They are able to earn points for positive behaviors and they will lose points for negative behaviors. -Parents can log onto their child’s DoJo account to see the points their child is earning and losing and the reasons why. (Information for your account will be sent home soon) -Students can log on to change the look of their DoJo monster. (Information on their account will be sent home soon) -Students will earn the rewards listed in our room in 10 point intervals (except the first reward which is for 5 points).
- Science and Social Studies are generally embedded in Language Arts and Math. -Smarter Balanced -MAJOR focus on problem solving/applying critical thinking skills…… you MUST know your basic facts!!! -Major focus on open ended responses to reading comprehension questions.
“The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics and English language arts/literacy (ELA). These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. The standards were created to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, regardless of where they live. Forty-three states have adopted the Common Core.” These next-generation assessments are aligned to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts/literacy and mathematics for grades 3-8 and 11. That means students in all states will be taught to the same high standards. Smarter Balanced will provide parents, students, and teachers a clearer window on whether students are on track to graduate high school, ready for college and the workplace.”
-New math program is called, Investigations -An overview of third grade can be viewed at the below link (you can get to this PowerPoint from my website and click on it there) -
-Writing program is Scholastic’s, 6+1 Traits of Writing -Focuses on 6 writing traits -Focuses on expository, narrative, persuasive writing genres -Spirals (learn a concept then revisit later)
I firmly believe that teachers and parents need to have a strong partnership so that students can do their very best. Please do not hesitate to send in a note, , or call the school to speak with me if you have any concerns. I will be updating our class site for you to stay updated. Leave me your addresses please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My website also has my address so that you can me directly from there, or you can type in the below address: