What would it mean to you or your command to have auditable financial statements? 1.Proves sound practices 2.Shows professionalism of FM community 3.Answers Congress, but not much else 4.More money from Congress
What is/will be the biggest obstacle to achieving auditable financial statements? 1.Cooperation among stakeholders (FM, acquisition, HR, etc.) 2.Systems issues (e.g. interfaces, legacy systems, etc.) 3.Lack of standard business practices 4.Lack of people with right skills
What do you think is our ability to achieve the efficiencies as budgeted? 1.Will attain because funding is gone 2.Can achieve most, but not on the timelines budgeted 3.Achieve ONLY with a leadership focus and reductions in certain functions 4.Likely not attainable – too much, too fast with too little direction
What is the biggest professional challenge YOU will face in the next two years? 1.Decide whether to retire and when 2.Determining and gaining the skills I need to progress 3.Getting a promotion (in an era of civilian reductions) 4.Getting all of my assigned work done
What is the biggest financial challenge your ORGANIZATION will face in the next two years? 1.Loss of FM talent due to retirements 2.Lack of quantity or quality of people to do the job 3.Implementing budget reductions (assuming workload demands don’t change) 4.Fending off budget reductions